Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome to Endless Wandering

Yes, a blog about EO! Ive grown tired of reading the same thing in all of the blogs..."No new updates for EO", so with that out of the way, lets actually talk about the game.

I know, Endless Online is not the best online game, hell its not even a good one but we keep coming back. I should know, ive been playing for a couple of years now. I usually tell people that you make your own fun in EO. Hopefully my random thoughts and Endless Wandering entertains you too.


  1. I think you're totally insane for not getting out of that crappy enviroment yet. But whatever floats your boat! :P

    I'll visit you sometime if I feel like wasting 100mb on reinstalling EO again.

  2. Bajz! very good to see you :). Thx alot for the comments. And 100mg? lol which version of EO you downloading? I think with 16mb you will more than enough.

  3. Hehe, Ok Nice Blog. I like it. And Yes EO isn't that good. Yet I keep coming back. It's like a drug you can't stop taking. Must Kick the addiction one of these days. But again I like the Blog. Bye's

  4. Silly Sano... go into the gfx folder of EO and you'll see how big it really is! Unless v.29 came?
