Thursday, February 26, 2009


A couple of days ago 2 prisoners escape a high-security prison by... Helicopter! I know, it sounds made up, you can check on I wouldn't be surprised if it had been Vult in that helicopter unwalling the criminals. An investigation was done soon after looking for glitches in the system, 3 guards and the helicopter pilot were arrested, the criminals are still on the loose. Maybe one of the criminals was actually Gnun and its thx to Rexor that they got out. And you thought newbs getting unwalled were annoying, these criminals had escaped the exact same way 3 years ago. O.O

Some people are complaining about EO's lack of moderation. I used to wish for Vult to make more admins until today. We can see how annoying it can be to have just 1 corrupt admin, imagine if there were 2 or 3. Besides Vult, there have been 7 admins in EO, only 1 has done some good for EO (Arvid). So what are the chances of Vult picking another person to be a good admin like Arvid?

Yeah I think the same as you... "If I was admin I would wall all the speeders and make EO so much better". I would like to think I am uncorruptible too but what if a good friend of mine tells me that he saw someone speed? I would probably believe him and wall the player, finding out later that the player was actually innocent. How long would it pass until you use your admin powers to help your eo gf? lol Or to help a guild member because you are sure he is innocent but was actually cheating without you knowing?

This is why I think that just having Arvid is the best idea. The odds of getting another good admin are low. I know Arvid is not perfect, he can do mistakes but he is doing tons of good unlike Rexor. I prefer to have just 1 Arvid than 2 retarded admins like Rexor, so no more Admins :p

I would change my mind if Rexor rescued me with a helicopter too one day.


  1. I'll say it like this, I understand what you're saying but take for example how I ran Px when I was active. Some of the other leaders or members in guild would tell me so and so is speeding. I then would log onto an alt and go check myself to see if this was true or not then make my judgment or ask one of my real trusted leaders to do it.

    Now not everyone would do this I know... Some do favoritism plain and simple and I don't go on Eo much so have no intention at all to ever become light guide/admin or anything else of that nature. But surely giving it a shot for some others that seem sensible, A trial run couldn't hurt any worse than it already is.

    Hell let the players vote lol, Just have one huge forum vote or something. But in all seriousness I hear what you're saying and yeah I agree for the most part that some would let friends get in the way of judgment and just wall/jail whoever they said was cheating. Not just that but I'm sure there would be other corrupt notions/actions taking place too.

    Nice post :)

  2. yeah, it can be done if done the right way but knowing Vult...:p

    If players were chosen to be new admins I would not want it to be by vote lol. I think they should be alts and not let it be known which players are the new admins. If words gets out that they have the admin powers then Arvid takes them away. Only Arvid would know and he would be in charge of the new admins.

    Even if the new admins were good, I just think of how annoying their friends or guild members would be. They would probably say things similar to what Gnun says, "Oh im friends with **** you will be walled tomorrow", which is why I prefer them to be secret.

    Thx alot for commenting Nez :)
