Thursday, February 19, 2009

Joining Guild

I am almost envious towards goths lol, yes the people who wear all black etc. They are usually together in a group. I figure it must be very convenient to be one, being able to recognize each other so fast. Just by looking at them you basically know what their interests are. I like a lot of the things they like too, such as anime and music but not the "only wear black" thing.

Its as if they had a guild tag over their head, with just a look, its easy for them to become friends. Like newbs who have never met but started to talk to each other because they noticed they are in same guild. Unlike the rest of us who have to ask the annoying questions "so what music you like?" and get the same annoying answers, they skip that whole ordeal and go straight to what they like because of their guild tag.

I would consider joining the goth guild...if im paid 1k. :) Meanwhile, ill look around for guilds who throw good events, such as a drop party. A drop party must be good in real life...

So, which guild are you in? :P


  1. Ugh I'm writing my comment all over >:O I chose google account and then it said I wasn't logged on or something like that!

    Anyway I said something like: I tend to be more prejudicial to guys that wear all black. Girls is another case you see... they're smarter***. Besides that I talk to every random person around me so yea...

    ***LIES >:D I just like girls, definitely not because they're smarter... They can barely cook, imagine them getting out of the kitchen...

  2. Lies??? LOL Why YAMI! I guess it just depends on whom you are speaking and where you are! lol You know my place of employment is the university from which I graduated...well, here's a bit of trivia for ya if you like numbers...of our freshman class profile last year, 54% were female, 46% were male. Of our transfer class profile, 52% were female and 48% were male. Total enrollment is 40,218. hehe OK. Go!

  3. Oooh they teach Culinary Arts in your University! Awesome!

  4. HA! I get that remark!! And no, we don't, if you're ever so interested. rofl

  5. it's okaaaaay you got that area too full anyway, 54% of the college is there >:DDDD

  6. LOL! The rest are in math and engineering. :P

  7. So Yami, you are saying that you like girls that wear all black?
    I guess the guild of.. wannabe rappers can be included, im surely not part of that.

  8. Personally i just like girls who wear black cuz most of the are hot xD. some of them are ugly hehe

  9. lol I guess we should all join the goth guild then.

  10. Look at the interesing knowledge I got from the useless knowledge!

    "Sharks can detect bright or high-contrast clothing a lot more easily than dull or matching clothing, so it might be wise to dress accordingly no matter what the fashion trend might be. Leave that jewelry at home for the same reason."

    We need to join a fashion guild! If there isn't one I can make one ahem... I'm really good with fashion look at my fabulous merchant hat. :D

  11. lmao , yami ill make a fashion guild

  12. Don't talk about goths if you don't understand the artistic culture that is being a goth. The "just because they wear black means they're a goth" thing is far from the truth. Lots of emos have begun to "copy" gothic culture and make it lame. And some people just like to wear black because they think it's cool. Then there are satanists which are just posers that don't even undertsand what satanism is about lol.

    I could go on but uhh... I won't.

    Guilds with a common interest are good.. but guilds with a variety of personalities are better! Like VVV *cough* I learned a lot from other cultures and stuff by having people from all over join and later become friends.From Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Athiests, Agnostics, Pagans, etc. we all learned how wrong and stereotypical the labels we all got were.

    And uhh... I'm going to stop ranting... again.

    I'll just end with saying that limiting your guild to one type of person will make you lose more then you think. :P

  13. Hehe true true Bajz, I guess I shouldnt have called them Goths* in the post since they arent. They just like to wear black clothes lol. Ive also noticed they usually like anime, which is kool cause I like it too.

    Its good to have diversity in a guild, im saying how convenient it is to be in one that wear black shirts lol. Easy to identify. Just like having VVV on top of your head :P Come to think about it.. you always did wear black :P

    It would be nice in real life if there was a tag on top of everyone's head telling you what they like. If I see a newb in YFL I know to avoid those lol, and if I see someone in VVV they will probably be nice.
