Thursday, February 26, 2009


A couple of days ago 2 prisoners escape a high-security prison by... Helicopter! I know, it sounds made up, you can check on I wouldn't be surprised if it had been Vult in that helicopter unwalling the criminals. An investigation was done soon after looking for glitches in the system, 3 guards and the helicopter pilot were arrested, the criminals are still on the loose. Maybe one of the criminals was actually Gnun and its thx to Rexor that they got out. And you thought newbs getting unwalled were annoying, these criminals had escaped the exact same way 3 years ago. O.O

Some people are complaining about EO's lack of moderation. I used to wish for Vult to make more admins until today. We can see how annoying it can be to have just 1 corrupt admin, imagine if there were 2 or 3. Besides Vult, there have been 7 admins in EO, only 1 has done some good for EO (Arvid). So what are the chances of Vult picking another person to be a good admin like Arvid?

Yeah I think the same as you... "If I was admin I would wall all the speeders and make EO so much better". I would like to think I am uncorruptible too but what if a good friend of mine tells me that he saw someone speed? I would probably believe him and wall the player, finding out later that the player was actually innocent. How long would it pass until you use your admin powers to help your eo gf? lol Or to help a guild member because you are sure he is innocent but was actually cheating without you knowing?

This is why I think that just having Arvid is the best idea. The odds of getting another good admin are low. I know Arvid is not perfect, he can do mistakes but he is doing tons of good unlike Rexor. I prefer to have just 1 Arvid than 2 retarded admins like Rexor, so no more Admins :p

I would change my mind if Rexor rescued me with a helicopter too one day.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


One of the most awkward questions in EO....Friends? I just say "No thx" to all the other questions.

Newb-Will you help me?
Sano-No thx
Newb-Can I have free gold?
Sano-No thx
Newb-Will u marry me?
Sano-No thx

Uhh... I can say no but I feel guilty afterwards. So I end up saying Ok, to be pmed by people who I dont even know but are my new ''Friends". Any suggestions on how to deal with the worst question of EO?

Newb-lvl? lvl?lvl? u lvl?
Sano- 69
Newb-wow friends?
Sano-ok... (damn it)

Yes, the level question is annoying but im used to it by now. Its a bit funny to see how they Need to know my level. Some refuse to leave, they just cant continue playing like they were doing a couple of minutes ago. Their EO world has come crashing and must know my level to regain balance. I say 69 and then they say Ok and leave, as if they are giving me permission to continue with my day. 69 is not even my level but this way I feel like im getting back at them :P
They go off feeling satisfied in knowing something that is not true, and im happy that they left.

u friends?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Joining Guild

I am almost envious towards goths lol, yes the people who wear all black etc. They are usually together in a group. I figure it must be very convenient to be one, being able to recognize each other so fast. Just by looking at them you basically know what their interests are. I like a lot of the things they like too, such as anime and music but not the "only wear black" thing.

Its as if they had a guild tag over their head, with just a look, its easy for them to become friends. Like newbs who have never met but started to talk to each other because they noticed they are in same guild. Unlike the rest of us who have to ask the annoying questions "so what music you like?" and get the same annoying answers, they skip that whole ordeal and go straight to what they like because of their guild tag.

I would consider joining the goth guild...if im paid 1k. :) Meanwhile, ill look around for guilds who throw good events, such as a drop party. A drop party must be good in real life...

So, which guild are you in? :P

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dude, where is my car?

Sometimes you just wish to get back at those scammers. Well today someone in real life did just that.

Today in the news, they talk about a man who arrives home and finds it being robbed. o.o He calls 911 and as he is doing so, he walks around the house to see the robber's getaway car left completely alone. Haha, so while he is calling 911 telling them that he is being robbed, he steals their car so they cant get away. The operator tells him that he could get in trouble for stealing their car.. yes even if they were stealing. So he comes back to see the robbers dumbfounded with all his items. They drop all of the stuff and start running away. Similar to noobs who are caught doing something bad and quickly log off.

So yeah... just like EO, even a justice scam in real life can get you in trouble.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Arvid in Pk

Im wandering EO when I hear that Arvid logged on. I decide to check out Pk, hoping that it will be peaceful since speeders would be scared of him. That is when it all starts.

So im in pk, most of the people there were nice, which is hard to believe but a noob would pop up eventually. Then Arvid started to wall some of the speeders, bubbles appearing out of nowhere. Yes, it was a bit scary since I think he walled a fair player along with some of the speeders. He also casted random admins spells every so often, just enough to make the players think he never left.

This is when the people inside Pk started to talk to themselves. Saying things like "Hey Arvid, I need to speak with you", others would ask Arvid for stuff. I imagined how it would be to enter a room and find everyone in there talking to an invisible person who wasnt even there. An Insane Asylum came to mind... or a church. One of the nice newbs started to talk to a wall. I thought "Damn, they really have gone crazy!". Thats when I check and it turns out that Arvid really was in the wall, lol the newb was right, or maybe I had gone crazy too...

Later on the day, Arvid threw a fake event, saying that a turtle was hidden somewhere in EO. Now ill admit, I ended up walking around eo looking for the damn turtle for about 5 minutes till I realised I was being a newb and headed back to Pk. The newb named Monsterzitk who supposedly found the turtle was level 0 and in newbland, probably an alt made by Arvid a minute before. Showing how he entertains all of eo by doing nothing at all.

Arvid logs off after the fake event, bringing this very random day in pk with him to an end. not a religious person but what the heck, I will start talking to a random walls too, you just never know.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

The server goes down on Friday the 13th! Bad Luck? Vult-r bumped into Jason?

Well apparently Vult fixed a small glitch in arena, but dont let these details distract you. Tomorrow is Valentines day! These newbs have been the smartest of us all, getting an early start.

In eo, it used to be common to see newbs advertise in global..."pm for sex Aeven Inn", not so common now, I guess speed is the new hoe thing to do.

Anyways, Have fun tomorrow, Happy Valentines day. Oh and even admins need some loving..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

RA Recruiters

Today I saw military recruiters in the university, with some students filling out info. I immediatly think of them as RA recruiters, the university newbland and we were the newbs. Yes... I was a newb in that situation, atleast a newb to them. The recruiters promising money, guild events in return for you service, so they can ship you off somewhere to fight just to end up forgotten as just another point in the Top 100.

Having rediscovered my Newbhood, I figured I would ask for free stuff. I walk up to the Army recruiters and ask "any free items?", they stare at me for what seemed to be an eternity. I considered running away but then they handed me a couple of pages of info. Would have been nice if they had given me gold, a sword or maybe even a gun but...
Beggars cant be choosers.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Duping in Washington

Im watching the news and all I see is how money is needed to fix the problems in the economy. They are printing all of this money, making it when its needed. How nice it would be to have one of those in your house, printing money when you want.

I am almost expecting to see Arvid suddenly bubble up in Washington and start to randomly wall people for duping, maybe warp them to Guantanamo Bay before it completely closes down. Dont worry, Vult would unwall them in a week. We will know its bad once we begin to see senators walking in turtle suits.

Arvid for president 2016.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

1hp Heals

Back when wraiths were hard to kill, I was training in the third floor. A newb comes up and asks if I can help him reach the forth floor so he can do Pjedro's quest. I tell him no cause the floor is empty and ill probably die. He stays and starts to heal me 1s, which is annoying when healed over and over again. I tell him "pls dont waste your tp". He continues to heal me with 1s, thats when a ghost comes and almost kills me. I survived thx to those 1s. It was depressing to know that a newb had saved me lol, but it shows that in the end you never know who will be the one helping you.

Like yesterday, a friend of mine was training and Gnunpanther comes along and starts to ks her. Gnunpanther says crazy things like...''im level 66, you should respect me'' which is hilarious lol. First of all, anyone who thinks they should be respected for being high leveled, gold or items is a loser. Second, she starts to say that she knows Vult and will have him wall my friend lol. That is just to funny, to think that Vult would wall anyone haha. Anyone who has played atleast for 2 months knows that Vult never walls, he does the opposite, he unwalls all of the speeders, but noobs will be noobs.

The ksing goes on and high level speeder comes by. One of those who should be deleted for being such a high level. To my surprise, he actually helps my friend, well anyone above kindergarden would have seen that Gnun was crazy but still, it surprised me. I never thought he would start to help, which just shows how we have to give a person a chance first before we close ourselves thinking we are better cause we have more gold or started eo a before them.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Newb Ksers

Speeding ksers are the best. They always start off with the bluff "Ill be here all day", to then 5 minutes later start saying..."Wtf? why dont you train somewhere else?", 5 minutes after that they start to go desperate and leave. Its just funny to see that a Speeder thinks he has more patience than I do. A Speeder by definition means "newb with no patience".

Now the worst ksers are the actual newb ones. First because no matter how little experience they get, its still good exp for them. Second, they just dont understand the concept of ksing and respecting other players. Like this one newb that ksed me a couple of days ago...

I was in the spot training peacefully when this newb came and tried to kill. She then starts yelling at Me to get out. She said "Nub Gtfo", I thought "O.O are you reading my mind??". She could barely kill a rot and she wanted me to leave. I was about to leave just so i could see her get killed but apparently she read my mind again and decided it was best to leave. Oh well, the good thing about EO is that there will always be a chance to kill a ksing newb right around the corner.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scammers in the News

I visit and see a report about scammers in Facebook.

It talks about how someone hacked the facebook account of a guy named Brian. The hacker posted in Brian's facebook that he needed money urgently for a plain ticket. A friend of Brian fell for it and sent the hacker 1k. The report goes on to talk how cases like this are becoming more and more common.

Now the funny part... in the CNN report, one of those examples of people hacking facebook accounts is and I quote "police accuse an 18-year-old man of posing as a woman on Facebook to get high school boys to send him naked photos of themselves."

Imagine if CNN reporters bothered to check out EO for just a couple of minutes. They would have a Field Day lol, with all the hacking, scamming and guys passing off as girls in order to scam is just the tip of the iceberg.

The report goes on to list ways on how to avoid being hacked or scammed, which seemed a whole lot like a list Wickedfrost did a while ago. Who would have thought that playing EO would help prepare you for real life... o.o So, whenever youre feeling down about losing some gold in EO, just remember Brian. ^^

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Asking Directions

Today, while I was leaving the university, a dad with his daughter ask me for directions to the Admissions of the university. The daughter had the school uniform or in eo terms ''peasant dress''. Im horrible at giving directions so I decide to take them there myself. After doing so, I realize that I just helped a newb reach Stronghold but in real life. I ended up doing in real life something I never bother to do in EO.

I for no reason sometimes compare real life to EO. Next time a person asks me for directions ill be prepared, I will do what I usually do in EO. Ill completely ignore them and keep walking. Just imagine if real life was a bit more similar to EO... the dad of the newb girl would have stalked me all the way to my car saying U U U U then curse at me once I leave to then repeat to the person closest to him.

Welcome to Endless Wandering

Yes, a blog about EO! Ive grown tired of reading the same thing in all of the blogs..."No new updates for EO", so with that out of the way, lets actually talk about the game.

I know, Endless Online is not the best online game, hell its not even a good one but we keep coming back. I should know, ive been playing for a couple of years now. I usually tell people that you make your own fun in EO. Hopefully my random thoughts and Endless Wandering entertains you too.