Sunday, September 13, 2009

Server not accepting logins- Update

Don't worry, Endless Online is not dead yet. It is hard to log into EO, not because of Vult-r shutting down EO, but because of a crybaby.

A cheater who got walled has one of his characters logging on and off into EO very fast making it hard for everyone else to log on. The crybaby is one of the biggest speeders of EO who said that he is doing this because he got walled. The cheaters hope this will make Vult log in and then unwall the losers, sadly enough this is probably what will happen.

It is funny to see cheaters who are level 100+ complain about being walled lol, when they should be deleted and permanently banned. Walling these losers is being extremely nice to them, but they still complain.

The best thing of this is seeing the crybaby trying to not look like a total loser and justify himself. In global he started out saying how he did it because his precious account got walled, then said he was going to do it to stop Auto trainers o.O, even though he is one himself. Afterward, he said he wanted to have everyone unwalled, not just himself and finally he said he is doing all of this because a supposed fair player who got unfairly walled.

Cheaters are always quick to say that whoever does not cheat and plays EO has no life, that they would not waste time on this game, etc etc. Now, we have one of the biggest cheaters, going through all this trouble so he can continue playing EO lol. A fair player would never bother thinking of all these different ways of hacking into a free online game, especially one like EO.

Ironically enough, when the Crybaby is trying to attract attention from Daddy Vult by lagging the login, he is also stopping other losers from speeding in EO. Yes, it is weird but because it is so hard to log onto EO, the cheaters wont speed in fear of d/cing.

I saw some people in global say how the Old EO was better. I am not sure to what they were referring to, probably to an earlier v28. I doubt they experienced an Old EO, but in v18... a long time ago, Vult was scammed and forced to use a very bad server. It used to take forever to log on back then, it could easily take 30 minutes to log on, very similar to what is going on at the moment. So for all those who complained, Welcome to an Old EO.


I did not want to mention the person's name responsible for all of this because I know how they love attention but as most of you already know, it is Gruntild, who has a legion of alts that I wont bother typing their names.Vult logged on today, September 14, Gruntild is unwalled and has a title now, Don Steven. As you see in the screenie, Vult is talking to the hacker trying to fix it.

I am sure Vult will be able to fix this particular problem... but I hope that atleast no one else was unwalled, and maybe he will try fixing something else. We shall see.


  1. I agree completely with you Sanosuke, I've been playing since v19. Not as old as you, but not bad right? I was wondering why I couldn't login, so thanks for the information. (Pasuke) =)

  2. Anyway I havent been able to log onto eo for weeks- so welcome to my world. I say don't negotiate with terrorists.

    Sano I miss you and mrs and all of SCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Steven aka Gruntild go outside and get some fresh air. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. And once again for the ppl saying Merelyna was in the right place at the wrong time picking up dragon parts- she might not speed but she is far from an honest player. You don't have to party with speeders to pick up dragon parts.

  3. u have to lol at these idiots,do the crime do the time!! as for mere well there r sightings of her speeding in dragons with other speeders so maybe it wasnt an unfair walling after all?also mount hope to c u back soon u always been a nice person

  4. Mounty give mere a break she didnt mean to speed.and she wasnt technicaly speeding.

    and Steve is bragging he broke Eo.
    Its here

    Go to the general discu,he is boasting about it.I have to admit he sounds convincing.

  5. Azy what do you mean she didn't mean to speed? I didn't even know she was a speeder but thanks for confirming riland's suspicions. I thought she just trained with speeders. I know a lot of ppl that have hs trained her in party. I'm just saying...her exp and lvl are no more legit than stevens.

    Yes Steven did break EO. He shut down the server until he hears from Vult. While I dont condone any of this I think the real crime is that vult let the game come to this. He was always making excuses for speeders saying it wasn't their fault that they only cheated b/c they could. Yet he was right there to unwall them when arvid attempted to punish. He made no attempt to fix the problem and look what happened. His game got hijacked by his 'friends'. Its only a matter of time before these same hackers make themselves admins. Sadly vult doesnt have the backbone to run a game. Who knows maybe Steven will do a better job.

  6. Oh and ty Riland I think you and medcat and jason and the rest of TTU are awesome as well. I'm afraid by the time I get EO working Steven will be GM. LOL

  7. UPDATE- Steven decided unwalling his lvl 108 wasnt enough- he thought he should be rewarded for his hack like many cheaters before him. Long story short Gruntild is now titled Don Steven.
    Early this morning Arvid was on walling. Seems he got theblackaxel yet again. His pathetic attempts on glb to convince arvid that he was in fact an honest player (he ran the MM list afterall) fell on deaf ears. Then mr honorable MM attempted to buy steven's hack for 25 mil so he could buy his own release and title. In the end steven scammed him. LOL EO.

  8. What will EO come to next. All these wannabe 'hackers' who whine and complain about THEIR accounts when deep down, they didn't even earn them - they bought the freaking things.

    I pop on now far less and less as frankly, I find playing popcap games alone more exciting than the BS that has gone on in EO. Sad, that these pissants get rewarded but really - does it truly matter he's got a title? Really now? Who the hell cares if he does. It is not as if he even earned that level or the title. He simply hacked his way like a 3 yr old throws a tantrum and flops on the floor screaming and yelling until Mommy (Vult-r) gives in!

    PS: No, BILWOR is not for sale - ever! Yes, I am the one and only original owner. YES, I will delete the account before ever selling it to ruin my good name for what its worth.

    PPS: Good post Sano - made me chuckle inside :)

  9. Good news, I still see many walled. I think Vult only unwalled Gruntild, which sucks but it is better than having him unwall all of the losers.

    lol at Theblackaxel getting scammed and Arvid is still the man.

    thx for the comments everyone

  10. Wait no..did i say mere speeds o.o
    Merelyna dosnt speed,but people ay they have seen her in groups with people who speed.

    My last comment was done in a hurry..

    Mounty give mere a break she didnt mean to speed.and she wasnt technicaly speeding.

    what i meant to say was this:

    Mounty give mere a break,they say she was in groups with speeders,so technicaly she wasnt speeding.

    o.o' my bad.

  11. She did say that her son uses her account to play Eo at times,She has a son..:P

    wonder if he's blond

  12. Azareil, are you saying that RA allows its members to be trained by hyperspeeders and autotrainers in dragons?

  13. Azy- I am 100% it is not her son I see training with speeders. Not unless he likes to give *hugs* when training is over. That is a classic cheater's excuse- it wasnt me- it was my brother, cousin, best friend- or in this case son. It is in fact Mere training with speeders and it is nothing new- shes been doing it for years. Some of her ex hubbies can vouch for that. Mere might or might not have downloaded speed on her computer but most if not all of her exp is from speed. She sits afk in dragons for hours and hours on end. Whoever said she was innocently there picking up dragon parts- LOL to that. What would a lvl 80+ need with dragon parts?

  14. Well, I'm a level 72 and I walk around picking up the dragon parts too. It is called needed them for gold. Some of us do actually scavenge to build up their gold for pots.

    Yes, I am an exp hog - always have been but doesn't stop me from picking up the gold in the HOP or dragon parts left by the autoers of Dragons Den :)

  15. Well then surely you've seen Merelyna doing the same. I find it hard to believe I'm the only one that has seen her train with speeders. But its ok I don't mind being the voice of truth. I do find it amusing that ppl still try to acquire gold on EO. Good luck with that- the average cheater I mean player has tens of millions. All gold should be deleted anyway- over 90% of it is duped.

  16. Yes Mount... I have seen Mere wandering around and she gets mad at me when I get the pick up LOL I also see her at banshees and biters. I see the same people in my few places I go, so what of it? If she speeds or trains with speeders, that's her business but really now, who cares? I mean, my TNL was almost 2.1mill when I rolled over to lvl 72. That means her's is at or around 3.5 mill / 4 mill? That's a hell of a lot! BUT, to those of us (me) who enjoy training, it is the point of the game - ENDLESS ;)

    Anyway, yes, some - ok, most do have 10s of Millions of duped gold but I do not because I don't cheat. I do still wander around, pick up gold to buy for pots. It is simple and the way the game was meant to be played.


  17. Apparently I care- or I wouldn't have said anything. Bilwor, I am no novice when it comes to training. I did my 'fair' share. And 3 million tnl is nothing to a speeder- they do 1 mil a day easy. I am familiar with the way the game was meant to be played- I never used hacks or cheats. Anyway, I thought you quit- good to see you are so active in EO. Enjoy.
