Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pat in the Back

Just a little example of the EO rejects that I have been happily killing.

Our first autofailer is Thantoz. He was speeding in vines so I blocked him. He eventually leaves and comes back and this is what he said:

The screenies basically explain themselves. He comes back saying he was laughing at me trying to do something. I explain that I didnt try, I achieved, because I made him leave vines, which is what I wanted. The goal is to stop cheaters of getting exp. If you will complain about cheaters, then you should also be willing to do something about it, and this is what I do. I make it harder for them to get exp.

He tells me not to pat myself in the back because I was not the reason he left, then says he left vines because he wanted to go to dragons since he could not help a friend out. When I ask why he could not help a friend, he answers that it was because of me deciding to be "high and mighty".

Ok, well ive been getting this response alot lately. Cheaters saying to me how I think im so much better than them just because I don't use hacks. I got news to all of the cheaters... I don't think that I am better than you, I AM better than you. Yes, by not using hacks I am better than you, its not an opinion.

Funny how he said I was not the reason he left but when I ask why he left, he says it was because of me acting High and Mighty... autofailers.

Earlier the autofailer said he was helping a friend, that supposedly was "legit". When I started to block him, preventing him to get exp, since he was speeding, he said he was doing it to help a "legit" player that was walled. To start with, a player is not "Legit" if they are being trained by speeders. Second, that "legit" player was walled for speeding, when I tell the autofailer this he says "So? 90% of EO speeds". I think players who try to pass off as fair players while they are getting free exp from cheaters can be even worse than regular cheaters.

This would have been the end of post but I had yet another encounter with an autofailer. This one must be the funniest one yet.

This autofailer is named Enuv

He came back while I was killing him for autotraining. I block him in the corner with a rot and a vine, trapping him. He tried to move and when he could not get out he started to say retarded things at me of course. Like they all do.

He said and I quote "and u seem jealous. u nerd. And a kids attitude cus u r jealous that we auto. U wasting ur time. stupid kid". Besides the fact that the way he talked was completely retarded, he thinks that he is somehow smarter than everyone else by using a hack.

These losers think that using an EO hack is so advance that normal people cant use. That somehow they are more intelligent than everyone else, even though they say that 90% of eo uses them. Keep in mind, most eo players are low teenagers. They can't imagine some players actually choose not to be losers and cheat, its not because they dont know how. Anyone could cheat.

They say how I am wasting my time. Everyone has something they do for fun in EO. They run around killing dragons, and I go kill autotrainers. Its what I do and im pretty good at it too :P

At the end he logged off a couple of times but only to come back and find himself still trapped in the corner. At then end he just said "time to scroll :/"

Pats himself in the back*


  1. Ok this will be my last autofailer post. Atleast for a long while lol.

  2. LOL WTG Sano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The very least vult could do is to give us exp for killing autoers. They should easily be worth triple a dragon. Maybe if he did that they would go around killing eachother and problem solved.

  3. lmao wtfg sano u r now officially my 2nd highest hero on eo u f%^&&$ rock mate glad that some of us r still tryin to make these wankers life hell

  4. I like the word autofailer.Nice post sanouske.
