Wednesday, September 16, 2009

But why?

Mentioned in the previous post, the hacker who was causing the login problems for Endless Online was unwalled and ultimately got a title,this obviously upset many players. Alot of anger in global chat, many were saying that Vult should have permanently ban the hacker and then fix the problem. The question is.. why did Vult do what he did?

To start with, EO is not a finished game. I guess a finished game would be on the Beta stage. The game is in its Alpha stage* in which players are allowed to to play the game and then report any glitches found so they can be fixed and have the game finished properly. All games have a testing period, without it, all the games you would play would be horribly annoying, with all the bugs and glitches. In other words, all of the players of Endless Online are meant to test the game to find and report glitches to the admins.

One of the problems is obviously the lack of moderators. It would be understandable if players were rewarded for reporting glitches that they found, but once they start to use and abuse them for their own gain, then we have a problem. That is when the moderator should step in and correct it.

Now, lets look at the losers of EO that call themselves hackers. People say that due to Vult giving the Crybaby a title, that this will motivate the losers to hack the game so they can receive a special benefit. You have to remember, that these losers never stopped trying to hack the game. They endlessly (pun intended o.O) search for any little glitch that might give them an advantage in a free online game, lol yeah... and they say I have no life.

Anyways, it has been months since the last duplication glitch outbreak, and I assure you it has not been for the lack of trying. Basically, there are hundreds of EO losers searching for any loophole in all of the game's programming. Eventually 1 finds something and ends up lagging the server so much that people cant log on. What is Vult to do about this?

Suppose Vult had simply Deleted the Crybaby and IP banned him (which would have been wonderful). Vult would have had to search through the whole game for that 1 glitch that loser found. Vult would have had to do the work hundreds of loser hackers have been doing for months in order to find it, meanwhile, the Crybaby simply changes IP and continues to lag the server. Even if the problem stopped by permanently Ip banning the loser, and in turn, preventing him from lagging the server himself, he would simply tell others how to do it so, they can continue being retarded. Vult could still decide to do this but it could take him months to find the glitch, all while the server is being blocked by losers.

Others in global said that Vult should have given what the Crybaby wanted and after fixing the glitch, Delete and Permanently Ban the Loser. This is a great idea, but how many times would it work? Sure it might work the first time, second time.. hell probably even 5 times, since they are retarded. Eventually they would start to catch on Vult's little trick, they would lose trust in Vult's word and refuse to help. This would force Vult to search through the whole game and fix it himself, which would be hard for anyone.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way defending these loser. Anyone who has read my blog can clearly see how much I care for them, especially in death. I simply try to understand what happened.

The true problem is that Vult has allowed them to abuse the glitches. Instead of having an efficient way for players to report glitches and have admins respond to them, EO has ghost moderators... heard about but never seen. The losers are not punished for the abuse of glitches, which is what Vult should be doing, but he should also say that if they report a glitch without abusing it first, then they would be rewarded. If he did this, he could delete and get rid of these losers who abuse and ruin the game, in addition, have them search for glitches so that he can fix them and make EO a better game.

Ok, the rant is over, damn my Rants are getting longer, it must be Bajz's fault. Alot of bad news but there is always something to laugh at, so lets take a look at the Maze of Shame.

This must be the first time Vult has logged on and not unwall all of the losers. I hope I don't jinx it but... maybe Vult is coming to his sense when it comes to speeders. And if not, good to see Arvid is still the man. Oh and if you dont know.. that is Theblackaxel in the screenie :)


  1. Agreed 100%. All he's doing is feeding the future "hackers/glitchers" by giving in to them.

    Eo is and has been falling for a good long while, It's sad to see, It had such great potential.

  2. I hope you dont mind sano,
    Vult-r dosn't have a di##
    I hate being so vulgar but thats the truth.
    I wish he would just give the game over to Cascade or something.

  3. Vult rewarding cheaters is nothing new. One time I watched him do a mass unwalling and he handed out cooks and docs to the parolees. What is that a peace offering? I still say vult was a cheater/hacker when he played games thats why he empathizes so much with the losers. Anyway nice to see axel walled- hes on the forums begging ppl to get him out- offering real cash. So sad.
    There will always be another glitch or bug to be found to abuse and exploit. I think the game has progressed as far as it can.

  4. Vult has to reward players who find exploits, otherwise he'll never progress with EO further than what he already achieved.

    And let me correct you there Sano, almost all packets of EO have been logged. The probability of there being another exploit of some sort is highly unlikely.

    So what did I really do so bad? I kept a bunch of children off an outdated 2D MMORPG for what, roughly 35 hours? I mean come on, they complain when the servers down, they complain when the servers up.

    IMO this was blown out of all proportion, and ultimately the decision is in Vult's hands. If anyone is a crybaby, its you lot making a huge fuss over it. ;)

  5. I typed this "And let me correct you there Sano, almost all packets of EO have been logged. The probability of there being another exploit of some sort is highly unlikely."

    And I meant to say this 0,o

    I haven't spent the hours you claim in your post, it more the good part of a day maybe. Besides almost all packets of EO have been logged, the probabilitty of there being another exploit of some sort is highly unlikely. So no worries.

  6. >Vult has to reward players who find exploits, otherwise he'll never progress with EO further than what he already achieved.

    Steven what you did was wrong,you abused the glich.What i appreciate is that you told vult-r about it to get it fixed.That does not change the fact that you are still a user of hacks-cheats.

    Everyone is mad at vult-r more than you,What kind of a loser rewards cheaters.

    Sanouske i think bajz is getting to you,thats a mega post.

  7. If I hadn't abused the glitch, Vult would never have logged on.. Plus the forums would still be down.

  8. I don't think people are reading or get the point of the post. I am not complaining about what Vult did, give a title to the hacker, I am explaining why he did it.

    Steven, no where in the post did I say that you personally spent so much time trying to find a hack, though spending any amount of time looking for a way a cheat says enough.

    You said you spent a good part of the day looking for a glitch. I will assume that you spent atleast an hour, now add that to the hundreds of hackers who try to do the same and you will get what I said in the post.

    Also in your case, you should hope that finding another expoit be possible for the next time you get walled.

    I think he thought the post was about him. The post was me explaining why Vult did what he did so that people can understand and not be as mad with him.

    I don't know what you are trying to correct me in by saying that most packets have been logged. The keyword being *most*, meaning another glitch exploit could happen again, like I said in post.

    Also, you were nice enough to repeat something I said in post, that Vult should reward players who report glitches. Yes that is true but you left out that he should also punish those who abuse them.

  9. So, pointless garbage still running around? My suggestion is to quit, or just ignore it. It wont change, it will never change.

    Can you honestly say after all this time, "There will be change, he will update the game." I know having an optimistic attitude is great, but isn't it time to throw in the towel, and move on?

    I love the game as much as anyone, but the some of the people are just horrible, and the down side there hasn't been an update in how many years?

  10. Azareil "Everyone is mad at vult-r more than you,What kind of a loser rewards cheaters."

    I'm at the center of all of this, sure you can say people are mad at Vult.. But the truth is their jealous of me and what I achieved. It's gone as far as having death threats over EO, constant spamming on my personal messages, all around harassment..

    Ok I did abuse the glitch, I hold my hands up to that, but if I hadn't abused it some what, Vult would never have logged on. I personally do have him on my msn, and at the time I hadn't seen him online in over three weeks. If any of you have ever tried to get in contact with Arnoud, you can understand how hard it is.

    Vult understands these circumstances, he wasn't even aware of what had transpired, untill he logged on EO and I messaged him. I had a long discussion with him about the situation and he was totally understanding.

    The thing I can't seem to grasp here is why everyone seems so irriated about the situation. All I got was a few letters on my paperdoll, which is totally worthless to him and to the rest of EO, considering the fact this game is still in very early development and is possibly subject to a wipe at any time.

  11. I have never seen such a big ego. Why don't you stop your damn whinning, you crybaby. ALL of eo hates you, yes. It's beyond belief that you are so blind and ignorant and don't see why that is, so you cry some more. We are all sick of hearing from you.

    If you weren't such an arrogant ass, you would have explained the hack to Vult and not shut down the game and threaten him for a shitty reward that, as you said yourself, are just words. This, all so you could get unwalled after cheating so a girl didn't get ahead of you, or anyone else.

    You suck up to someone just like you who has no balls, either, and he gives in. I'm quite sure that if YOU were Vult, you would never do the same for your player.

    I will assume by your actions that you are 10. Your words tell me you are about 12. I will give you a little slack since you play EO 24/7, and say you are 16. Get a life, man. This isn't real life. Yet, I'm sure you kick and scream in real life til you get want you want there, too. Actions in a game tell a lot about people. Once a cheater, always a cheater. One day, you will see the real world and look back at what you did and see the loser that you are. So again, yeah, understand why you get these threats. I'm not surprised since everyone sees but you, what a low-life you are. Scum, as low as it goes.

    Oh and don't bother replying with some cry-baby response again. I won't be wasting my time reading it.

  12. I have never seen such a big ego.(State the obvious) Why don't you stop your damn whinning, you crybaby.(I haven't cryed, I did was was necessary to get unwalled. :) ) ALL of eo hates you, yes.(The why is there a we love grunt guild? ) It's beyond belief that you are so blind and ignorant and don't see why that is, so you cry some more.(Your the one missing my point in the last message)

    If you weren't such an arrogant ass, you would have explained the hack to Vult and not shut down the game and threaten him for a shitty reward that, as you said yourself, are just words.(I did explain the glitch to Vult, I didn't threaten him, I asked for a title after we discussed how to fix it. lol@you) This, all so you could get unwalled after cheating so a girl didn't get ahead of you, or anyone else.(Cheating to be a higher level than people like you, and if it makes you feel this way I'm glad. :) )

    This means nothing what so ever, coming from an anonymous poster. But y'know it's ok, I understand that you wanted to hide your name. From the looks of it your just another retarded person who doesn't understand what happen. (Or is just too stupid to read my last message)

    Get angry.

  13. Wow Steve, you are quite the dumbass. You are not worth all the attention these idiots are giving you, be grateful.

  14. Bajz: these idiots

    Thanks buddy.....,
    nuh Dirty American xS
    no offense im just getting back at you for calling me an stupid canadian.

    And steven,your not worth making a huge comment on so:

    Anonymous: I have never seen such a big ego. Why don't you stop your damn whinning, you crybaby. ALL of eo hates you, yes. It's beyond belief that you are so blind and ignorant and don't see why that is, so you cry some more. We are all sick of hearing from you.

    If you weren't such an arrogant ass, you would have explained the hack to Vult and not shut down the game and threaten him for a shitty reward that, as you said yourself, are just words. This, all so you could get unwalled after cheating so a girl didn't get ahead of you, or anyone else.

    You suck up to someone just like you who has no balls, either, and he gives in. I'm quite sure that if YOU were Vult, you would never do the same for your player.

    I will assume by your actions that you are 10. Your words tell me you are about 12. I will give you a little slack since you play EO 24/7, and say you are 16. Get a life, man. This isn't real life. Yet, I'm sure you kick and scream in real life til you get want you want there, too. Actions in a game tell a lot about people. Once a cheater, always a cheater. One day, you will see the real world and look back at what you did and see the loser that you are. So again, yeah, understand why you get these threats. I'm not surprised since everyone sees but you, what a low-life you are. Scum, as low as it goes.

    Oh and don't bother replying with some cry-baby response again. I won't be wasting my time reading it.

    I agree with that person and he/she saved my time.

  15. LOL anonymous- Just as you made assumptions from Steven's posting, so too can I from yours. I think you aren't a 'fair' player otherwise you wouldn't come on Sano's blog and want to remain anonymous. I assume you do exploit cheats and hacks yourself. I think you are walled. I assume you are a little jealous you yourself didn't have the opportunity to gain the holy grail on EO- a title of your choosing. How did I do?

    Now, it's not that I condone Steven's behaviour. But, if you had taken the time to read Sano's post and not just come here to promote your hatred, you would understand that Sano was explaining Vult's actions. Unlike yourself, we are no strangers to Vult's unfair actions and catering to cheaters. However, Steven did not have to threaten Vult in any way shape or form. Many before him received rewards for finding bugs and glitches. Usually they were rewarded with costumes, but that is nothing anymore. So, now the trend will be the unobtainable title. The problem is not in Steven's methods, nor is it in the reward- the problem is that there is no other method in place to notify an admin or Vult. This game is in testing mode- the plan was to find all these bugs before it is released as anything else. But from the looks of things Vult has no more interest even in the testing of the game. The experiment now is to see how long it will go without food or fresh air or any moderation.
