Saturday, September 5, 2009

Auto Fail

Similar to how Speeding spread, Autotraining is spreading too, this just means I have more people I can kill.

Autotrainers are just so fun to annoy, I have tried to be reasonable but their response is complete nonsense.

First, about 90% of these autofailers walk around with a bazar staff. The staff would be understandable at the Skill master, but makes no sense to use it in training spots. They minus well wave a flag that says "Im a loser, pls kill me" and I am nice enough to do what they ask.

Then, I kill them. Some are lucky enough to come back to their computers and notice that they are about to die and save themselves at the last moment. At this point, they will call me a Noob while they are autoing and speeding, then curse at me and say "Wtf?". I don't understand this cheater characteristic, in which they ruin the game but act as if they were not doing anything bad at all.

Now for the best part. They swear that they will ks me for the rest of my EO life. I might have heard that line atleast 4 times in a week, and then 5 minutes later they run off to another spot trying to get exp, I am forced to follow them and remind them that my EO life is not 2 minutes long, that they have a long way to go, but of course, just hearing an Auto Trainer, that by definition has no patience at all, saying that he will ks me forever lol, hilarious.

Im surprised how dumb they really are. One night, I kept 4 autofailers from training by myself. How did I do this? I got them to block themselves for me. I didnt even have to do anything. They were so proud, one even said "Haha beat you at your own game". They never realised that keeping them from getting exp was the point in the first place. Also, if I kept 4 of these speeding noobs from getting exp for a couple of hours, I think that is time very well spent.

Im off to kill some more, have fun everyone.


  1. lmao san i have a couple of friends who's favourite passtime is to kill autoers, they see it as a mission everytime they log on so good o see other ppl do it

  2. LOL they auto while they sit at their computers watching and they say we have no lives. I believe it was Mherbert of OWE (R.I.P) that said the reason why they auto was so they could talk in guild chat. I see that worked out well for them.

    Keep up the good work Sano
    <3 SCS

  3. I'm liking this spirit, first time I see you write against somebody with passion xD
