Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pat in the Back

Just a little example of the EO rejects that I have been happily killing.

Our first autofailer is Thantoz. He was speeding in vines so I blocked him. He eventually leaves and comes back and this is what he said:

The screenies basically explain themselves. He comes back saying he was laughing at me trying to do something. I explain that I didnt try, I achieved, because I made him leave vines, which is what I wanted. The goal is to stop cheaters of getting exp. If you will complain about cheaters, then you should also be willing to do something about it, and this is what I do. I make it harder for them to get exp.

He tells me not to pat myself in the back because I was not the reason he left, then says he left vines because he wanted to go to dragons since he could not help a friend out. When I ask why he could not help a friend, he answers that it was because of me deciding to be "high and mighty".

Ok, well ive been getting this response alot lately. Cheaters saying to me how I think im so much better than them just because I don't use hacks. I got news to all of the cheaters... I don't think that I am better than you, I AM better than you. Yes, by not using hacks I am better than you, its not an opinion.

Funny how he said I was not the reason he left but when I ask why he left, he says it was because of me acting High and Mighty... autofailers.

Earlier the autofailer said he was helping a friend, that supposedly was "legit". When I started to block him, preventing him to get exp, since he was speeding, he said he was doing it to help a "legit" player that was walled. To start with, a player is not "Legit" if they are being trained by speeders. Second, that "legit" player was walled for speeding, when I tell the autofailer this he says "So? 90% of EO speeds". I think players who try to pass off as fair players while they are getting free exp from cheaters can be even worse than regular cheaters.

This would have been the end of post but I had yet another encounter with an autofailer. This one must be the funniest one yet.

This autofailer is named Enuv

He came back while I was killing him for autotraining. I block him in the corner with a rot and a vine, trapping him. He tried to move and when he could not get out he started to say retarded things at me of course. Like they all do.

He said and I quote "and u seem jealous. u nerd. And a kids attitude cus u r jealous that we auto. U wasting ur time. stupid kid". Besides the fact that the way he talked was completely retarded, he thinks that he is somehow smarter than everyone else by using a hack.

These losers think that using an EO hack is so advance that normal people cant use. That somehow they are more intelligent than everyone else, even though they say that 90% of eo uses them. Keep in mind, most eo players are low teenagers. They can't imagine some players actually choose not to be losers and cheat, its not because they dont know how. Anyone could cheat.

They say how I am wasting my time. Everyone has something they do for fun in EO. They run around killing dragons, and I go kill autotrainers. Its what I do and im pretty good at it too :P

At the end he logged off a couple of times but only to come back and find himself still trapped in the corner. At then end he just said "time to scroll :/"

Pats himself in the back*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

But why?

Mentioned in the previous post, the hacker who was causing the login problems for Endless Online was unwalled and ultimately got a title,this obviously upset many players. Alot of anger in global chat, many were saying that Vult should have permanently ban the hacker and then fix the problem. The question is.. why did Vult do what he did?

To start with, EO is not a finished game. I guess a finished game would be on the Beta stage. The game is in its Alpha stage* in which players are allowed to to play the game and then report any glitches found so they can be fixed and have the game finished properly. All games have a testing period, without it, all the games you would play would be horribly annoying, with all the bugs and glitches. In other words, all of the players of Endless Online are meant to test the game to find and report glitches to the admins.

One of the problems is obviously the lack of moderators. It would be understandable if players were rewarded for reporting glitches that they found, but once they start to use and abuse them for their own gain, then we have a problem. That is when the moderator should step in and correct it.

Now, lets look at the losers of EO that call themselves hackers. People say that due to Vult giving the Crybaby a title, that this will motivate the losers to hack the game so they can receive a special benefit. You have to remember, that these losers never stopped trying to hack the game. They endlessly (pun intended o.O) search for any little glitch that might give them an advantage in a free online game, lol yeah... and they say I have no life.

Anyways, it has been months since the last duplication glitch outbreak, and I assure you it has not been for the lack of trying. Basically, there are hundreds of EO losers searching for any loophole in all of the game's programming. Eventually 1 finds something and ends up lagging the server so much that people cant log on. What is Vult to do about this?

Suppose Vult had simply Deleted the Crybaby and IP banned him (which would have been wonderful). Vult would have had to search through the whole game for that 1 glitch that loser found. Vult would have had to do the work hundreds of loser hackers have been doing for months in order to find it, meanwhile, the Crybaby simply changes IP and continues to lag the server. Even if the problem stopped by permanently Ip banning the loser, and in turn, preventing him from lagging the server himself, he would simply tell others how to do it so, they can continue being retarded. Vult could still decide to do this but it could take him months to find the glitch, all while the server is being blocked by losers.

Others in global said that Vult should have given what the Crybaby wanted and after fixing the glitch, Delete and Permanently Ban the Loser. This is a great idea, but how many times would it work? Sure it might work the first time, second time.. hell probably even 5 times, since they are retarded. Eventually they would start to catch on Vult's little trick, they would lose trust in Vult's word and refuse to help. This would force Vult to search through the whole game and fix it himself, which would be hard for anyone.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way defending these loser. Anyone who has read my blog can clearly see how much I care for them, especially in death. I simply try to understand what happened.

The true problem is that Vult has allowed them to abuse the glitches. Instead of having an efficient way for players to report glitches and have admins respond to them, EO has ghost moderators... heard about but never seen. The losers are not punished for the abuse of glitches, which is what Vult should be doing, but he should also say that if they report a glitch without abusing it first, then they would be rewarded. If he did this, he could delete and get rid of these losers who abuse and ruin the game, in addition, have them search for glitches so that he can fix them and make EO a better game.

Ok, the rant is over, damn my Rants are getting longer, it must be Bajz's fault. Alot of bad news but there is always something to laugh at, so lets take a look at the Maze of Shame.

This must be the first time Vult has logged on and not unwall all of the losers. I hope I don't jinx it but... maybe Vult is coming to his sense when it comes to speeders. And if not, good to see Arvid is still the man. Oh and if you dont know.. that is Theblackaxel in the screenie :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Server not accepting logins- Update

Don't worry, Endless Online is not dead yet. It is hard to log into EO, not because of Vult-r shutting down EO, but because of a crybaby.

A cheater who got walled has one of his characters logging on and off into EO very fast making it hard for everyone else to log on. The crybaby is one of the biggest speeders of EO who said that he is doing this because he got walled. The cheaters hope this will make Vult log in and then unwall the losers, sadly enough this is probably what will happen.

It is funny to see cheaters who are level 100+ complain about being walled lol, when they should be deleted and permanently banned. Walling these losers is being extremely nice to them, but they still complain.

The best thing of this is seeing the crybaby trying to not look like a total loser and justify himself. In global he started out saying how he did it because his precious account got walled, then said he was going to do it to stop Auto trainers o.O, even though he is one himself. Afterward, he said he wanted to have everyone unwalled, not just himself and finally he said he is doing all of this because a supposed fair player who got unfairly walled.

Cheaters are always quick to say that whoever does not cheat and plays EO has no life, that they would not waste time on this game, etc etc. Now, we have one of the biggest cheaters, going through all this trouble so he can continue playing EO lol. A fair player would never bother thinking of all these different ways of hacking into a free online game, especially one like EO.

Ironically enough, when the Crybaby is trying to attract attention from Daddy Vult by lagging the login, he is also stopping other losers from speeding in EO. Yes, it is weird but because it is so hard to log onto EO, the cheaters wont speed in fear of d/cing.

I saw some people in global say how the Old EO was better. I am not sure to what they were referring to, probably to an earlier v28. I doubt they experienced an Old EO, but in v18... a long time ago, Vult was scammed and forced to use a very bad server. It used to take forever to log on back then, it could easily take 30 minutes to log on, very similar to what is going on at the moment. So for all those who complained, Welcome to an Old EO.


I did not want to mention the person's name responsible for all of this because I know how they love attention but as most of you already know, it is Gruntild, who has a legion of alts that I wont bother typing their names.Vult logged on today, September 14, Gruntild is unwalled and has a title now, Don Steven. As you see in the screenie, Vult is talking to the hacker trying to fix it.

I am sure Vult will be able to fix this particular problem... but I hope that atleast no one else was unwalled, and maybe he will try fixing something else. We shall see.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

System 32

I turn on my laptop 2 days ago and I see the dreadful sight every computer owner has nightmares about

"System 32 file not found or is corrupted"

I don't know much about computers, but I knew enough to realize that I just lost everything I had saved in the computer... in other words, I just owned myself.

Without the System 32 file your computer wont work, it wont even open Windows.

What did I do then? I kept pressing "r", restarting the comp over and over again in hopes that the black screen, saying that System 32 file was not found, would magically be replaced with Windows.

After about an hour, I give up and start the search for my recovery disk. Knowing all to well that I needed the recovery disk to fix my computer, but by doing so I would also be deleting years worth of memories.

I scavenge my room, let me rephrase that... I had to pick my room apart in hopes of finding the recovery disk that came in a box of the laptop I bought 4 years ago.

Well, good news, I found the recovery disk and my computer is exactly as it was when I first bought it, which is also the bad news.

It is amazing how much you can find out about a person by what they have on their computers. All the computer user's interests, websites visited, photos, google searches, work, even EO screenies, all safely taken care of until the computer decides to roll over and die! Then, you discover that your personality is reflected in all that junk you kept in your computer.

Don't worry, it could have been a lot worse, I could have been working on a project at the time...

I even forgot the password for my blogger account... but you guys are not safe yet, you will have to bare with my rants for a while longer.

Ok, im off to get my #1 screenie, for about the 4th time.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Auto Fail

Similar to how Speeding spread, Autotraining is spreading too, this just means I have more people I can kill.

Autotrainers are just so fun to annoy, I have tried to be reasonable but their response is complete nonsense.

First, about 90% of these autofailers walk around with a bazar staff. The staff would be understandable at the Skill master, but makes no sense to use it in training spots. They minus well wave a flag that says "Im a loser, pls kill me" and I am nice enough to do what they ask.

Then, I kill them. Some are lucky enough to come back to their computers and notice that they are about to die and save themselves at the last moment. At this point, they will call me a Noob while they are autoing and speeding, then curse at me and say "Wtf?". I don't understand this cheater characteristic, in which they ruin the game but act as if they were not doing anything bad at all.

Now for the best part. They swear that they will ks me for the rest of my EO life. I might have heard that line atleast 4 times in a week, and then 5 minutes later they run off to another spot trying to get exp, I am forced to follow them and remind them that my EO life is not 2 minutes long, that they have a long way to go, but of course, just hearing an Auto Trainer, that by definition has no patience at all, saying that he will ks me forever lol, hilarious.

Im surprised how dumb they really are. One night, I kept 4 autofailers from training by myself. How did I do this? I got them to block themselves for me. I didnt even have to do anything. They were so proud, one even said "Haha beat you at your own game". They never realised that keeping them from getting exp was the point in the first place. Also, if I kept 4 of these speeding noobs from getting exp for a couple of hours, I think that is time very well spent.

Im off to kill some more, have fun everyone.