Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Party Glitch

When you join a group and notice that there is someone who shouldnt be in the party list.

Sometimes you see a wierd name made out of Symbols and sometimes you see them talking in your group chat.

A Party Glitch, this has happened to me before but never quite like this....

There were 3 players glitched into the party, Roten, Robodude and Xbabygirlzxx. It was wierd because I noticed that they were talking about me. I stayed quiet to see what they would say.

Once they noticed that I am in the party glitch, the first thing Roten thinks is to Scam. Roten says "he doesn't know we're spying on him" while Robodude says "Omg where l33t''.

In the screenie above, you see that they are already making plans on how to divide gold after they Scam and Sell my account, 20 million each. Roten says he would sell my account for 1 billion* not joking lol

They just hope that I would randomly say my info in party chat for no reason. As you can see... Robodude is a bit slow.

Roten explains that a party glitch happened. None of the other people in my party see this, I asked them many times to make sure.

At the end I close EO and log back on, when I join party the glitch happened yet again. This time all I see is what I assume to be Xbabygirlzxx do the right thing and tell Roten not to scam. It was very nice of her to say this, so ill have to say thanks if I see her.

This would be the end of a very crazy party glitch. It is just amazing to see people practically celebrate on hacking your account and talking on how gold should be divided. This also shows how you should never say your info in party chat.

Oh well, it was nice to see someone say that they would sell my account for 1 billion gold lol.


  1. I hope they get to see this post. If someone see this guys in eo please tell them to check the post...


    I've gotten both those glitches a couple of times. Maybe we should think more carefully about what we say in party chats now. ;)

  3. i used to know roten... he used to be a nice guy but he got hacked too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh um, so Bajz, shall I tell you what I heard you say in MY party glitch once? =;) Diz

  6. Roten's real name is Brandon. Is it the same one you knew Shred?

  7. hee did'nt tell me his real name... but i don't think it was bradon.

  8. lmfao that has happen to be before
    but nothing like that xD
    altho when it happen to me they were talking about the admin robe hack x3

  9. lmao, Sano your eo adventures are hilarious.
