Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forums down & EO Comercial

The EO forums are down at the moment and its about time. Some really disturbing photos were being posted there along with those retards who think they are kool for insulting others.

A typical EO forum post would consist of these people who think that the best thing possible to have is a high post count calling each other kids and repeating "you got owned'' over and over again.

It was so funny to see those losers brag about how ''bad'' they are in a free internet game. Im sure we will continue to see this soon but this is a well deserved break from total garbage.

Ok now for my real post :)

A couple of days ago I saw a Maple Story commercial o.o

The comercial mentioned how Maple Story is one of the most popular games and showed a friendly and fun game with the players doing quests together.

So, I started to wonder how an EO commercial would look like... Obviously it wouldn't be anything similar to Maple Story.

At first I imagined it would look very similar to a soap opera commercial, with over the top drama of he/she said, fake identities and backstabbing.

With the comercial saying- Endless Online... We Know Drama.

But then I thought a commercial similar to Survivor the game show would be better.... Newbs stranded in Aeven forced to fend for themselves in a cruel, unforgiving world while struggling to not get tired of saying U.

At the end I thought of the perfect commercial....

I can almost see the commercial already. Leave a comment of what you think the best EO commercial would be like... the best might get a reward. o.o


  1. lmao, how true it is. while i dont spend my day watching "soaps" i can easily see a eo ad as "the days of our lives" or "the bold and the beautiful".on any given day these soaps have sex drama backstabbing plots to overthrow ppl and me sounds like eo alot these days

  2. The Hills? The show isn't really fake. But they do get paid on how much drama they bring to the show. How to get rich on the show? Accuse all of your friends of trying to steal your girlfriend, become addicted to drugs, tell everyone you're moving and then don't, be a huge pimp and sleep around with all your friends girls. Just some food for though.

  3. lol! how about where its just a completely new world, cut off from everywhere else and it follows a newb wandering round. He finds ppl having sex on the streets. Random ppl laughing there arses off. speeders. and then superinmposed at the end. is it really that different?
