Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Medusa Syndrome

To understand M.S. you must first know about the player named Medusa

Medusa used to be the highest level of EO for a very long time. Newbs would say that she was the best player but... not exactly. She was also one of the most annoying players and ill explain why.

The weirdest and most recognizable aspect of Medusa is how she thought she owned a spot in Endless Online. Where ever she trained, she would claim it as her own and expect others to leave as soon as she arrived.

I've always been against ksing, if I see you training peacefully in a spot, I think the nice thing for me to do is look for another spot to train in, but Medusa wouldn't let a little thing like niceness screw with her exp.

It didn't matter if you had been in that spot all day, once she logged on, she would tell you to leave because it was ''hers''.

In the screenie, I was in the spot for a long time training peacefully when she logged on and expected me to leave, but since I got tired of letting her boss me and everyone else around, I decided to stay.

She was known for not talking much which was good because whenever she opened her mouth it would be to either threaten you with getting walled by Admins or random insults that don't make sense as the ones you see in the screenie. Even her guild members would say that they never saw her talking in guild chat, except to ask for help against Kill stealers.

In the screenie, you see her blaming Marlina. At the time Marlina was behind of Medusa in level but very close. I didn't even know Marlina but Medusa would use any excuse to send guild members to ks her.

The Guild Members weren't so good either. She would have an entire guild so she could use them to help her get more exp, since leveling was the most important thing to her. They would just follow orders without even really knowing who she was. Just a bunch of newbs who joined because they thought that by being in the same guild as the highest leveled player, it would somehow make them less newb.

So why rant about all of this?

It is important to not let ''power'' get to your head. To think just because you have higher level, more gold, or a bigger guild, that it gives you the right to boss others around.

This is what I call the Medusa Syndrome.


  1. MS is highly contagious! Most grinders contract it without realizing it. There have been numerous reports of outbreaks throughout the Desert, Carni, and Vine areas. Doctor Bob claims that there is no known cure for MS and if you get it... you better kiss your r/l goodbye.

  2. "I will make vult wall you himself". Sounds familiar?

  3. Lol? She is old enough to really use grammer??
    She is an idiot, Just get someone to speed near her and ks her.... That shows that bitch a lesson!

    Ma blog: eoartist.blogspot ;P hope you take a looky D:> Sanouske Ya awesome ;P

  4. Thankfully she doesnt play anymore. I don't like people who ks or speed :P.

    lol yes Mrs, she would always threaten people saying Vult would wall them or jail while her her EO partner sped around

  5. Yea, she was kinda odd.
    I would just walk by, but you could tell, she was quite protective of her kills.

  6. LOL as if...picture Vult walling or punishing anyone. More likely if he saw a cheater he would reward them- I once watched him release speeders from the wall handing them Doctors on their way out of the maze(when doctors were worth something).
    Anyone that has had the pleasure of making Meddy's acquaintance can vouch that she was in fact more enjoyable when she was being silent like a monk. Once the floodwaters were opened and she decided to talk/type she was like a drunken sailor.
    Wherever Meddy trains today, be it EOR, TFG, or some other new game, there is no doubt she is abusing those around her.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wooops misspelled a bit there, Been a long day xD:

    Lol nice post man, Yeah I remember "HER" doing that crap all the time. She hated me at times cause i would take screenshots and blog about it lmao.
    Man I missed the old days bud. Good times.

  9. Medusa... God she was freaky and annoying, Many say she was played by different people but honestly I think she has a damn schizophrenia hehe... Anyways, its true, she thought she owned the game for training and had all those asslickers (her guild and blablabla) to curse at and boss around. Her e-ego was way too up and always seeing with a ciborg view to Marlina like... "Marlina... Enemy... Destroy" I swear a Crane was more interactive than her hehehe.
    Marlina on the other hand was a sweetie, we jettians liked to stalk her and talk at biters with her alot, we never ksed her, we were too lazy, and we enjoyed the talks hehe.

  10. Sorry for double post Sano but "YOR" cool because "YO" havent let "YOR" lvl change who "YO" Are, which is cool because you havent lost "YORSELF" Keep it up ^^

  11. I was called once by my leader, to help him in that very situation with Medusa. He had been training there, she hadn't been on in months and showed up out of no where to run him out.
    When I showed up with the pots he requested he got me to stay and help.
    She got angry because we had the tables turned. We held the vines while she complained and demanded we leave.
    At one point, she said somethin like ur ugly to me. I smiled said ty. She didn't like that too much. She called her usual "army" to come back her up. I think we fought her off for at least a hour.

  12. lol thanks Rettan and good job Mysticdoodle.

    Medusa's excuse for not respecting players and claiming to own a spot was because it was to hard for her to go around and look for an open spot.

  13. Wow that's rediculous. How does she expect to get the same respect of not getting ksed if she doesn't do it herself?...btw nice post sano ;D

  14. You know it's funny, seeing as "Kill stealing" was fixed because of complaints in previous versions. If she wants to whine, well, then let her. You're not doing anything wrong.

    There's been times in my past where I'm about to level, but someone tries to take every monster from me. I merely asked them if I could level, and did so. I wasn't a hog.

  15. Well that was a dumb reason the rest of us had to, who was she to get special treatment? Just because of high number beside her name?

    I only train at certain spots too, but if they full, I move on, and let the others be. Its only respectful.

  16. Hehe Allward, the post is not about her complaining of me ksing.

    To start with, I never ksed her, she would log on and demand for me to leave spot even when I was there first and then she would start to ks me.

    Like Mysticdoodle commented, ksing is a matter of respect and clearly she didnt.

  17. lol mystic i remember a "ofg" fight with medusa and her guild that lasted like 2 days at the time the ofg leaders were a 24/7 precence and they hated it after a lot of threats and such she logged havent seen her since maybe just took a group of 20 ppl to stand up to her???
