Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forums down & EO Comercial

The EO forums are down at the moment and its about time. Some really disturbing photos were being posted there along with those retards who think they are kool for insulting others.

A typical EO forum post would consist of these people who think that the best thing possible to have is a high post count calling each other kids and repeating "you got owned'' over and over again.

It was so funny to see those losers brag about how ''bad'' they are in a free internet game. Im sure we will continue to see this soon but this is a well deserved break from total garbage.

Ok now for my real post :)

A couple of days ago I saw a Maple Story commercial o.o

The comercial mentioned how Maple Story is one of the most popular games and showed a friendly and fun game with the players doing quests together.

So, I started to wonder how an EO commercial would look like... Obviously it wouldn't be anything similar to Maple Story.

At first I imagined it would look very similar to a soap opera commercial, with over the top drama of he/she said, fake identities and backstabbing.

With the comercial saying- Endless Online... We Know Drama.

But then I thought a commercial similar to Survivor the game show would be better.... Newbs stranded in Aeven forced to fend for themselves in a cruel, unforgiving world while struggling to not get tired of saying U.

At the end I thought of the perfect commercial....

I can almost see the commercial already. Leave a comment of what you think the best EO commercial would be like... the best might get a reward. o.o

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sanos Nub Army

This is my Alt Guild, a guild created solely for the purpose of giving unused alts a place to stay.

I was inspired by RA. At the time RA was not active yet it remained #1 in the top 100 so I want to make a true Ghost guild, make it enter the top 100, and then brag about how everyone is envious because of our rank, like some big guilds do.

Only alts allowed, the one you made a year ago and never use... thats the one who needs to join SNO.

Feel free to pm me in game and ask to recruit your Alt.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Speeders treated fairly?

It is always amusing to see speeders complaining about being kill stealed.

Usually I don't bother kill stealing anyone, I just let them be in their spot, but Ive been seeing to many speeders training in vines.

I decided that the right thing to do is to kill steal the speeders. I would not hesitate to kill an afk trainer or an autoer, why would I respect another cheater getting exp?

So I start to ks the speeder and what do they do? They call me the nub.

Cheaters can't expect to be treated fairly. With speed alone, they disrespect everyone else, but they have the guts to demand respect too.

I know alot of the trainers don't want to bother, maybe some are afraid of getting ksed later on or just dont like the idea of ksing, but the speeders have dragon cave, thats more than enough. Let them fight amongst themselves.

They go to areas like vines because we let them, we are to nice and not ks, others worry about not getting enough exp for the day. If everyone ksed the speeders, they would leave.

We must not get so tolerant that we tolerate intolerance... o.O

Most of the time, the right thing is not the easy thing to do. Why would I feel bad for a newb speeder who has an alt level 70 that they trained in 2 months?

Ok rant is over, Good luck to those fair players and have fun :P

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Medusa Syndrome

To understand M.S. you must first know about the player named Medusa

Medusa used to be the highest level of EO for a very long time. Newbs would say that she was the best player but... not exactly. She was also one of the most annoying players and ill explain why.

The weirdest and most recognizable aspect of Medusa is how she thought she owned a spot in Endless Online. Where ever she trained, she would claim it as her own and expect others to leave as soon as she arrived.

I've always been against ksing, if I see you training peacefully in a spot, I think the nice thing for me to do is look for another spot to train in, but Medusa wouldn't let a little thing like niceness screw with her exp.

It didn't matter if you had been in that spot all day, once she logged on, she would tell you to leave because it was ''hers''.

In the screenie, I was in the spot for a long time training peacefully when she logged on and expected me to leave, but since I got tired of letting her boss me and everyone else around, I decided to stay.

She was known for not talking much which was good because whenever she opened her mouth it would be to either threaten you with getting walled by Admins or random insults that don't make sense as the ones you see in the screenie. Even her guild members would say that they never saw her talking in guild chat, except to ask for help against Kill stealers.

In the screenie, you see her blaming Marlina. At the time Marlina was behind of Medusa in level but very close. I didn't even know Marlina but Medusa would use any excuse to send guild members to ks her.

The Guild Members weren't so good either. She would have an entire guild so she could use them to help her get more exp, since leveling was the most important thing to her. They would just follow orders without even really knowing who she was. Just a bunch of newbs who joined because they thought that by being in the same guild as the highest leveled player, it would somehow make them less newb.

So why rant about all of this?

It is important to not let ''power'' get to your head. To think just because you have higher level, more gold, or a bigger guild, that it gives you the right to boss others around.

This is what I call the Medusa Syndrome.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Party Glitch

When you join a group and notice that there is someone who shouldnt be in the party list.

Sometimes you see a wierd name made out of Symbols and sometimes you see them talking in your group chat.

A Party Glitch, this has happened to me before but never quite like this....

There were 3 players glitched into the party, Roten, Robodude and Xbabygirlzxx. It was wierd because I noticed that they were talking about me. I stayed quiet to see what they would say.

Once they noticed that I am in the party glitch, the first thing Roten thinks is to Scam. Roten says "he doesn't know we're spying on him" while Robodude says "Omg where l33t''.

In the screenie above, you see that they are already making plans on how to divide gold after they Scam and Sell my account, 20 million each. Roten says he would sell my account for 1 billion* not joking lol

They just hope that I would randomly say my info in party chat for no reason. As you can see... Robodude is a bit slow.

Roten explains that a party glitch happened. None of the other people in my party see this, I asked them many times to make sure.

At the end I close EO and log back on, when I join party the glitch happened yet again. This time all I see is what I assume to be Xbabygirlzxx do the right thing and tell Roten not to scam. It was very nice of her to say this, so ill have to say thanks if I see her.

This would be the end of a very crazy party glitch. It is just amazing to see people practically celebrate on hacking your account and talking on how gold should be divided. This also shows how you should never say your info in party chat.

Oh well, it was nice to see someone say that they would sell my account for 1 billion gold lol.