Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting Crowded

Good News

Arvid logged on and owned a couple more losers.

Among the losers, I saw the autofailers Fataldark and Enuv walled comfortable in maze :). We read about some of these autofailers on this blog in the post titled Pat in the Back.

If this keeps up, I wont have any losers to kill in vines :O


  1. Funny...But no vine losers!?!?!?!
    Na, :P There'll always be 6or7...

  2. But always fun to kill them with their own vines LOL

  3. Lol a lot of the speeders got out though.
    Theblackaxel & Mobmfs got unwalled my Rexor not too long after. Along with some others. A lot of non-cheaters got walled this time around though :/

  4. Just out of curiosity- what non-cheaters were walled?

  5. LOL Nuggie keeps spreading the news that 'a lot of non-cheaters got walled'. I keep asking for a name- just one. Nothing. Next time how about posting fact not fiction. I doubt theres a lot of innocents left on the game. But feel free to prove me wrong and post a name or two.

  6. I asked the same question...Which fair players were walled?

    The answer I got was.. Bebelush and Wafaa. o.O

  7. LOL Sano! Then I guess the next question would be for Nuggie to define fair play. I think some ppl are under the assumption if they are sitting or standing still when they get walled then they are innocent. They think they need to actually be caught in the act of cheating.

  8. Sanouske where have you been??
    update ur blog :P

  9. Helloooo, Holdmyspot here. I don't play EO anymore, yet I like reading your blog but... I don't know Sano but I was comparing your posts published in February with the current ones and your style has changed a lot... The old style was more fun. Keep it!

  10. Woah. Why are you all fired up o_o?

    Bebelush was innocent..
    And I don't remember now cus this was awhile back XD I could dig raku but I'm lazy.

  11. Not like I really care- but I thought I read on Riland's blog that bebelush went on ppls accts and costumed them. Thats hardly innocent now is it? Fair players don't have that much success at the costume chest or new apo that they can open up a costume shop. But thats cool- it seems like fair play isnt what it once was. It used to mean no hacks at all- now some genius decided that some cheats were innocent. LOL go figure.

  12. There's a technique to it. Moha does costumes too.
    And she doesn't speed either. So basically you're just assuming that.
    All they're doing is helping people. You can't blame them for that. Even if 5m is a tad pricey in your eyes.

  13. IDK if Moha speeds or not. But I do know she uses hacks like auto and ghost. What you call techniques, I call cheats. See what I mean? That doesn't qualify one as an innocent or a fair player.

  14. Hey Sano, I see you're doing well. I'm still loving all your post even though my Endless Career has come to an end. I got key logged of course. Thanks to my use of hacks. Not the best idea, and you told me, but I didn't listen. Oh well, my fault. Keep up the good post.

  15. By techniques I meant knowing the timings and when to pot at the right time etc etc..
    Nothing to do with hacks, all to do with brains ;)

  16. Brains? LOL that made me laugh. Theres no technique to potting. Certainly not when you are using an auto hack that pots for you. I think we went off track. I only set out to prove that hacks = cheats. I'm pretty sure I made my point. Maybe you weren't aware that they cheated when you came on here and said Arvid was walling a lot of fair players.

  17. Yeah so I have officially quit playing Endless. It was fun while it lasted, but all great things come to an end. "What goes up, must come down," which I know is apart of the theory of relativity, but can be apllied in all so many situations.

    Anyways, it was great getting to know everyone so have fun with life. If you ever need my e-mail ask Mountaingirl. On the same note, I was downloading music and came across some viruses. So if you are sent an e-mail that looks suspicious don't open it.

    Alrighty, this is my official goodbye :'(

  18. xD Of course hacks are cheats. That's a given.

    However, I know for a fact they don't cheat. Moha did my panda for me, I asked her before hand if she did. I would never let a cheater or a speeder on my account. You can ask Rettan about it, if you don't take my word. I was in JET for a fairly long time. It's been probably about a year give or take since I was in JET, and MNR only lasted a few days since it was about dead when I joined. Anyways.. my point being, because of JET I remade my account just so I wouldn't have exp gained unfairly.

    Moha doesn't cheat. And if you have information to prove me otherwise. Well.. then I'll have to remake my account again. :)

  19. Moha or whatever you call her used to auto rots at vines- the spot right over the last bridge on the way to bale. Believe it or not, I could care less. But, she is an autoer/hacker/cheater.

    I'm not sure what you want me to ask Rettan about. Your acct is yours and its your responsibility- no one elses. Letting anyone on your acct just isn't smart. I understand you wanted a panda. Costuming an acct has nothing to do with brains- as you stated previously. You took a risk and I hardly think you care if she uses hacks or not. At the end of the day- all you cared about was the costume. So you got it. Case closed. Don't remake your acct on my behalf. I don't even play EO.

    If you are truly having an ethical moment then I regret to inform you- she does in fact cheat. Can't say I'm surprised she didn't admit it- few of them do. But don't take my word for it- ask around vines if theres anyone left there that is. Last time I was there it was all autoers.

  20. You obviously don't understand. Moha's not like that :) Just, Never mind xD

  21. Not like what? A cheater? Clearly you are the one that doesn't understand. All kinds of ppl cheat- surely you are friends with other cheaters as well. You don't need to defend her in order to save your acct. I really don't care- nor will I hold you to any faux moral dilemna you seem to be having. I'm pretty sure there isn't a fair player left for you to worry about. Go ahead and play the game as Vult intends- full of cheats. Enjoy your panda- LOL

  22. Oh I do understand. xD I've totally gone out of my way to understand what being a fair player is about. In that, understanding cheaters, and the perspectives of others.
    I'm defending her because I know for a fact she doesn't cheat, and it isn't nice to accuse her of such. Of course my friends are cheaters, the majority of Eo is cheaters, whether its speeding or flood hack. I'm not going to nitpick just because a friend speeds, its their choice. I do have no cheating friends-what's your point? And what dilemna? You're just plain confusing me now. xD When was it a crime to help people?

  23. I thought I was pretty clear yet I still managed to confuse you. Once upon a time you defended another 'friend' saying she too was a fair player. I saw you post on the forums all surprised when you found out she in fact wasn't. You are wrong here too. Momo is a cheater; she uses hacks- IDK how much clearer I can make that. I have nothing personal against him/her I just happen to know 'it' cheats. You got all righteous b/c you thought that meant you would have to delete your acct and start over- your words not mine. That was your dilemna. You have to make her fair to save your acct. But why act so concerned? B/c you obtained a panda through cheats? Newsflash- theres no one on eo left to care. Please spare me the dramatics that you know for a fact she doesnt cheat when a few posts up you werent so sure at all. Yet, now you are certain?
    You are amusing. Sorry to confuse you.

  24. I was confused by this statement "I'm pretty sure there isn't a fair player left for you to worry about." Everything else is clear. I think you have me mistaken, main forums? I never posted on that damn thing. Raku forums, I never protected anyone. The only one is Moha, and in that because I know she doesn't cheat. I don't care if you believe that she does, I know for a fact that she doesn't. Righteous? xD You've misjudged me. Panda doesn't matter that much to me. But being a fair player does. So if there was subsequent 'proof' against that, then surely I would delete my account. I don't want junk or levels on my account that have been gained unfairly. It's nice that you say no one cares yet you keep replying. You've done it twice now. Where did I say that I was uncertain whether she cheats or not?

  25. You keep saying if there is proof she cheats you will delete your acct. I've seen her autoing as I stated- yet you still run around with a panda. Your panda was obtained with cheats. Sorry if that goes against your JETtan fiber- but its true. Your acct has been compromised. Did you ask around in vines like I suggested? I even gave you her old autoing stomping grounds- the rots by the swamp castle. What I meant by that statement is that there isn't a fair player left on eo to hold you accountable. No one cares.

  26. I hate to call you out Ngget but if you want to keep up the charade I will just end it here. Yes, yes, on Raku forums when the goon squad was having a laugh at your former JET guildie Riland- you questioned one of them about speed. You said 'whoa- I thought you guys didnt speed' and they laughed and said of course we do. I thought once a JET always a JET- like in my sorority. Clearly you dumped them when you started hanging out with the hackers. I guess thats the difference between SCS and JET; or maybe its just a few bad apples. At any rate- you are wrong in this instance too- Moha did auto at vines- that was my training ground for 2 yrs. Your panda was obtained with cheats- deal with it, or dont. But to deny it only makes you look that much more pathetic when you clearly dont know for sure. By your own admission all you have to go on is that you asked her. LOL. Newsflash Ngget- most of them dont admit it. And a big chunk of them don't think half the hacks are even considered cheats. They think speed is the only cheat. Your dear Moha also uses multi client when she MMs. You are aware this is a hack- are you not? THAT IS CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!

  27. You have no substantial proof thats the case.
    Please. Video. Screenies. Evidence.
    I don't care for what five people have to say.
    Five people can lie, screenies & video can too.
    But I don't think you're THAT desperate to prove a point.

    Ah I remember now, thank you for that xD
    I confused Bebelush & Sabrina (xxwolfettexx), probably due to them being sisters xD
    Sabrina speeds, Bebe does not.
    Riland doesn't have a Raku account (that I know of), she didn't post on that topic though.
    I didn't dump JET xD
    It was a guild issue thats pretty personal, so I don't wish to discuss it.
    But if you care so much, take it up with Rettan.
    After JET I joined IVY, but it was very inactive.
    I don't know what Allward & Arcanea were doing with it at the time
    After, I was just in and out of general guilds. And I was in MNR for some time too.

    I must applaud you for being so persistent. But I am a CPN, now.
    Your text doesn't affect me as much as you think it does, hun.

  28. Who says hun? It conjures up an image of an aging waitress in a diner- and I'm pretty sure you are barely in your teens. Maybe its an attempt at being condescending which again at your age and and exp (in life not in the game) makes it a bit comical. Or perhaps its a Canadian thing. Like I said- I really don't know of anyone under 40 or so that says hun.

    That aside- I have no reason to lie. Your benefactor is a hacker. Period. I don't know her nor do I have anything personal against her- I just call cheaters out. My word used to count for something- many leaders of many fair guilds kicked out cheaters on just my word. I guess they had less at stake than a panda though.

    What exactly would I take up with Rettan? I haven't talked to Rettan in close to 6 months. I was never in JET. I only know how SCS operates. We stand by eachother.

    As for IVY- I can understand you leaving. I won't say any more about that.

    I wasn't really one for guild hopping. It sounds like you went through a few of them. I hope you found what you are looking for in CPN. I haven't really heard of that one. It wasn't on my radar.

    Clearly my text doesn't affect you. But I think at the end of the day you know I'm right or at least I have raised doubt. I do find it amusing when ppl ask for proof of another players cheating. Do tell me how I would get autoing on video or in a screenie? Better yet-why in the world would I care to attempt it? Like I said my word has always been good enough for the leaders of fair guilds. But then again they had nothing to gain by calling me a liar.

  29. It was more of a one time thing. But thanks for your opinion on that. You said "I thought once a JET always a JET- like in my sorority. Clearly you dumped them when you started hanging out with the hackers." Wasn't the case. And it seems like what I say doesn't get through to you. You don't necessarily have to ask him. But I'm just saying, if you don't believe me, and care so much, then please feel free to ask Rettan. About me being a guild 'dumper'.
    Things change, shit happens. Please.

    But seriously. Like I said before. Provide me with substantial proof, screenies, video & such. Not just some other random eo players.
    Main right now is torn to shit. Haha. Even if I remade right now. I could have a panda again tomorrow. Nobody would know if its legit or not, the real onces are
    all mixed with the duped ones. =/

    I never gave you dates. I just gave you a list. It wasn't guild hopping. I was in and out of guilds over different periods of time. Not all in one month. Rofl. "I haven't heard of CPN." Either you don't want to get into it. Or you live under a rock. I'm thinking more of the first.

  30. No really- I've heard of the guild tag CPN but thats about it. I dont think I ever saw anyone wearing the tag so IDK what kind of player they attract or cater to. I'm familiar with the fair guilds, the training (not autoing like your friend) guilds and a few others. Whats the CPN claim to fame. I saw you commented once that they like to talk like e-tards- I hope theres more to them than that.
    Finally I think you are understanding me- no one would know or care if your panda was legit or not. The day of accountability is over. Basically you are on your own with your values. I wasn't the one that suggested you delete and remake your acct- you brought that up.
    What you call random players that call out cheaters was once a group called LVG. Maybe you heard of it- JET was a member as well. It was a group of fair guilds that watched eachothers backs. There are no screenies and videos- thats just silly to even suggest. But I'm pretty sure you already know that.
    As to the once a JET always a JET comment- let me try to explain in a way you can understand. If I frequented a forum and ran across a thread devoted to trolling a SCS- instead of adding my 2 cents of why I dislike the person (a former guildie of mine)- I would do my best to put an end to it. The poster clearly thought you were in on the bashing b/c she offered you an invite to come watch Riland train and laugh at her.
    Main hasn't turned to anything right now- its been the same for years. Maybe its you thats been under the rock.

  31. Yes, Moha used to auto all the time in vines. I know, im the autotrainer killer if you have not read blog.

    And.. hey Mount :P

  32. Hey Sano 8D! I guess you put an end to that. TY- I was just going in circles.

  33. Help, I didn't reply for few days and she thinks I'm done!!111

    Kidding. Your type don't understand. But thanks.
    My acc was deleted even prior to this conversation, so I don't even have a lore panda anyways xD

    My face is on fire.
    CPN/CBH. (:

  34. Now I have a type, lol. Since your type are the cheaters, I guess its obvious what my type is.
    No, I'm pretty sure you aren't done. But the matter is. I think you just like to argue- I'm pretty sure you knew I was right all along. You must have asked around. By telling me you deleted your compromised acct and falsely obtained panda- I will take that as a concession on your part.
    You would be surprised at how very much I do understand. Remember Ngget- theres so much more satisfaction accomplishing things without cheats. Thats a life lesson- not EO.

    Better splash some water on your face.

  35. My type are the cheaters? I don't cheat, people around me do. I can't change that xD

    Ahah, so you caught me. To be perfectly honest. I've been reading posts on these kinda blogs for ages. It's not really that I like to argue, It just bothers me how distorted some of your 'facts' are.

  36. Do tell what facts I distorted...that Moha uses hacks? You should be offend by the cheats and the cheaters not by the ones who call them out. When my 'friends' do wrong I don't turn a blind eye or worse yet jump on whatever bandwagon they are steering just to be part of the gang. Maybe thats what disturbs you so.

    To quote a song: 'Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'

  37. I don't care if people around me use cheats and hacks. There is nothing I can say or do that can make them stop. When people use hacks they know its wrong but they still do it. Whether they're my friends or not, I have no business telling them what they should and shouldn't do. I'm not going to treat someone different because of that. Whether someone does wrong or right, they're still human. I can look past that, and continue with my life. I'm not about to force fair play on them. I play fair because cheating is wrong, and I enjoy the game more that way. They enjoy it with speed, account trading etc. Who am I to say what they enjoy is wrong? It's not my call. It's not any of my business.

    I'm not offended that you call them out, that's great. You go on and continue to do that, if you do so wish. I'm not trying to single you out by the way, its also Bajz, Arcanea, even Rettan. xD

    I'm around cheaters because their personalities are the kinds of people I like to be around. I've come to understand them, and what goes on. Whether its about the MM list, trolling, flamming, speeding, whatever it may be. I have a different perspective than you.

    I like to compare it to a bump in a relationship. Like the cheaters and the fair players. The man see's his side, and the woman see's hers. They acknowledge each others sides. But lets say a friend of both the man & the woman was told of the incident, the friend can see both sides clearly.

    When I left JET I told Rettan that I wanted to be a better fair player. I wanted to understand it more, what it really means to be a fair player. And like anything, to learn something you have to research or study it. It's just that I'm studying both sides.

    Um, I think I went off topic.. sorry if it didn't make sense.. it makes sense to me... xD

  38. Ngget I have no problem with you- play the game as you wish. You can go on telling yourself that nonsense you just said- maybe one day you will convince yourself it is true. You hang out with cheaters to study their behavior to better understand them? That is the best one I've heard yet. And do tell Ngget- is your experiment making you the better fair player you claim you want to be? I'm sure it makes you feel more fair and more ethical hanging out with cheaters- thats just a given. Truth is you don't need excuses to hang out with anyone- sorry you felt you had to explain your actions to me or to anyone. But excuses are just that- EXCUSES. You are studying nothing.

    Now- I do disagree strongly with your whole philosophy that you don't think it is your responisibility or your place to tell your friends not to do wrong. I believe we have a responsibility to ourselves and to others to speak out when we see wrongdoing. When ppl are silent and allow bad things to occur...well lets just say history shows us where that leads. B/c something doesnt affect you personally, its not your problem, or you don't want to get involved for whatever reason doesn't make it ok to look the other way. The fact that these are your friends makes it that much more your duty to speak up. Clearly you can't fight every battle- but your laziness and complacency is a bad habit. One day maybe (and I wish nothing bad on you or anyone) you might find yourself in a situation where you are at the mercy of a stranger- lets hope that person or persons don't decide to turn away and keep walking rather than stopping to intervene. We are a lazy society, only looking out for ourselves and leaving others to fend for themselves. Its a bad way to be.

    Funny thing is that you were quick to call me and my type out- to tell me I distort facts. Yet when I asked you for one fact I distorted you came back with nothing.

  39. Not to add insult to injury but didn't I read a post you made recently about how you tried speed once for a day and it was fun but the next day your computer was messed up so you got rid of it? I hope thats not the only thing keeping you fair.

  40. Which part of it is nonsense? It's quiote logical if you ask me. I feel like I have to explain myself, because you don't understand. I can't make myself clear without going indepth.

    What do you want me to do? Not play eo?
    Medcat once said the best thing we as fairplayers can do is play the game. No matter what I do I'd ave to be around cheaters. Whether they're my friends or not. You said it yourself. It seems like most of the fairplaying guilds are inactive as well as their players.

    Not intervening isn't about being lazy. I understand when some commits an act which is wrong. But it really isn't my place so say as such. I'd like to think of it as politics. Obama is an idiot ruining America. It's a course subject, and a lot of people stray away from it. It's something I'd rather not get into. Simply because I don't like arguing. The people who argue on eo.. nobody really wins. If you argue for a good long time, or even a short time. Nobody is about to stop and say. Oh. You raised a good point there. Obama is a bad president due to point a, b, etc. That doesn't happen. There's no poing to turning to someone and saying. Hey what you're doing is wrong because of .
    People don't cheat subconciously. It's like telling a fat person they're fat. And so I repeat. There's nothing I can say or do to make them change their actions or consider what they've done. Nobody cares anymore. Eo's dead. It's been dead for a long time. Not even Arvid cares anymore. It's over, It's been over. The people really don't care. And the ones that claim they do-Don't even play. In reality. I suppose they really don't care. Since they can't even be bothered to log on.

    The reason I wasn't replying to that segment of you comment wasn't because the facts you've disorted don't exist. Like I stated before. I don't like to argue. I've seen posts you and other people have done on other blogs. It goes on, and on, and on. You don't give up do you? Just like I said about an arguement in EO. No one cares to say, and take a second. Oh hey that was a good point. And let it be done for the day. Maybe you should re-read what you've posted on this blog, and others. Perhaps re-evaluate yourself.

    What injury?
    It wasn't only because of that reason. It was a rather complex situation. But that was the jist of it. I never said speeding was fun. It wasn't only because of my computer breaking. I been dumb. I've made mistakes. Shit happens. I know it doesn't completely remove what I did. But I deleted my account. Level 20, of mostly fair play. To nothing.

  41. Oh damn. A lot of errors in there. Excuse them. Tis 2am.

  42. Well...to begn medDIE never said that the best thing we as fairplayers can do is play the game- that was Bajzy. I'm pretty sure medDIE raged over that statement. If he did at sometime use those words I would laugh.

    Secondly, I never said to argue. I never said to try to persuade some random person from doing something. I did say to try to get through to your friends. If we affect a small circle that turns into a bigger circle- you know how it goes. And I 100% do believe that is possible to do without argument- I have done it. Whether it lasted or not IDK- I didnt stick around to find out. Clearly the game is dead and none of it matters anymore. I just thought it was funny that you said you went over to the dark side to study their behavior. And you come back from said psych exp to reveal that they cheat b/c they want to? I could have saved you the trouble- I already knew that. As for Obama- I agree, hes bad- but we have had worse- a Mr. Jimmy Carter comes to mind. Gotta love those liberals. Oh well- its only 4 yrs and cant say we didnt vote him in. Although the dems love to say how Bush stole the election unfairly. Good sports they are.

    You threw everything but the kitchen sink at me- still not one fact that I distorted. You claim its b/c you dont want to keep this going yet you are doing that quite well anyhow. Why not just substantiate your claim? Remember how insistent you were that Moha doesnt cheat? Yet in the end I was right- shes a hacker, she lied to you (not me). Do tell why I should evaluate myself? B/c I distort facts? Show me one and I might do just that.

  43. ...and NO- I don't give up when I'm right. But I do admit when I'm wrong as well.

  44. So admit it, because you've been wrong this whole time.

  45. *Update* Turns out I was right the whole time. Sorry nug nug- you started out trying to defend your cheating friends and then YOU got exposed for your own cheats.

  46. You didn't just hack off Ngget. Ngget is legion.

