Saturday, October 17, 2009


What the F&@* is Farmville....

An online game for the masses. People have been playing Farmville through Facebook.

What do you do in Farmville? You farm

That is what people have been playing, they grow crops, sell, then grow some more crops. They have fun quests such as... watering your friends plants or growing a certain type of plant seeds.

59 million people play this game. It is absolutely crazy. I know EO has many bad things but it must still be better than growing crops. I have even seen people at the university play this. Personally, I would be embarrassed if anyone saw me play EO, and here they are...proud of playing a game that is literally about watching plants grow. Oh, they can grow chickens too.

Farmville is an online game for nongamers. Facebook is spreading the online game culture around the world.

Besides spreading online gaming to the masses, Facebook also spreads EO drama.

Divorces because of a partner being unfaithful have risen exponentially the last 2-3 years, and it is due to social networking sites, mostly Facebook.

It is nice to see, the world is joining on the fun of online gaming and EO drama. What is next? Having grandmom say.. you got pwned? Internet culture is spreading, good or bad thing?

Now you know, EO doesn't had a bad community, it's just ahead of the curve.


  1. so basicly its like the game Harvest Moon LOL

    man I hate that game

  2. OMG I love Harvest Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could fish for hours! I didn't grow crops or do Nami's heart events...but I loved to fish and ride my horse all over town. I'm pretty sure my cow got sick and died and my dog ran away. How can you not like Harvest Moon?

  3. its farming ... and raising stuff i do enough of that irl not to do it in a game

  4. My friends play this game o.o',they play it for hours and their like it's addicting.all you do is make crops..its funny how their so into it.

  5. LOL Ren I want a r/l farm too. Well, not exactly a farm- I just want a goat and a rooster. A goat so I don't ever have to mow or take the garbage out and a rooster to bother all my neighbors that bother me waking me up to the sound of their mowing.

    Hey Azy!!

  6. LMFAO yeah but Rooster crow ALL THE TIME morning hell and don't get me started on Goats

  7. Farmville is an actual game with goals, EO is a pile of crap that argues about being a pile of crap. Well half argue it's a pile of crap and the other half calls it a pile of sh... yeah, you know. But I don't personally play Farmville, but without the simplistic games then MMO's never would have been invented in the first place.

  8. There's this game thats like farmville..All you have to do there is to open a resurant and hire people.then you make the resutant bigger and decorate have to serve to customers and level up doing that.

  9. There are a ton of games on there. Something for anyone who wants to kill numerous hours - I mean who hasn't spent hours playing a pointless game?
    Mafia Wars is another popular one
    Castle Age is somewhat new
    But the ultimate of sheer boredom... Happy Aquarium! I mean what the hell?

    I'll stick to my Bejeweled, Farkle and Yacht tyvm LOL

  10. Hi buddy, you did a great job. With the help of these Farmville Tips and Tricks, I achieve 34th level in just 7days

  11. I don't like Farmville but it's because it is almost the same as Farmtown. I loooooved farmtown, but then my farm got too big and planting was just too much xD Idk who mentioned the restaurant game buuuut I play iiiit!!! <3<3 Restaurant City! My restaurant is so pretty haha... Yeaah EO kinda got boring after a while as Farmtown too. In the end a game, as big as it is, will bore you sometime. It is in the end one game vs. lots of old games and the new games comming up

    Anyway about the divorce thing it's not that bad. People tend to think marriage is the natural behavior, but I don't really think it is. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many divorces. Maybe the natural behavior is that people can fall in love multiple times. Meaning that the divorce would not be a bad thing for the one who wants the divorce, but the key to a new relationship. I've been meaning to dig into some lectures about poverty, my genealogy and marriage, but no time xD Plus... I have my restaurant to take care of >:D
