Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting Crowded

Good News

Arvid logged on and owned a couple more losers.

Among the losers, I saw the autofailers Fataldark and Enuv walled comfortable in maze :). We read about some of these autofailers on this blog in the post titled Pat in the Back.

If this keeps up, I wont have any losers to kill in vines :O

Saturday, October 17, 2009


What the F&@* is Farmville....

An online game for the masses. People have been playing Farmville through Facebook.

What do you do in Farmville? You farm

That is what people have been playing, they grow crops, sell, then grow some more crops. They have fun quests such as... watering your friends plants or growing a certain type of plant seeds.

59 million people play this game. It is absolutely crazy. I know EO has many bad things but it must still be better than growing crops. I have even seen people at the university play this. Personally, I would be embarrassed if anyone saw me play EO, and here they are...proud of playing a game that is literally about watching plants grow. Oh, they can grow chickens too.

Farmville is an online game for nongamers. Facebook is spreading the online game culture around the world.

Besides spreading online gaming to the masses, Facebook also spreads EO drama.

Divorces because of a partner being unfaithful have risen exponentially the last 2-3 years, and it is due to social networking sites, mostly Facebook.

It is nice to see, the world is joining on the fun of online gaming and EO drama. What is next? Having grandmom say.. you got pwned? Internet culture is spreading, good or bad thing?

Now you know, EO doesn't had a bad community, it's just ahead of the curve.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pk Me

Everyone has encountered this type of newb. The type that at anything remotely close to a discussion quickly resort to saying "PK me", as if being able to kill someone while using cheats makes them the better player.

Luckily I bumped into one at vines

If only all speeding noobs were this easy to get rid off...

He pmed me saying he was waiting for me at the Pk lobby. I told him I was on my way. I didn't see him again.

I wonder how long he stood there waiting, did he realize he was a fool and refused to come back to vines out of shame? Or did he simply forget?

I will start to do this more often. Never underestimate the retardedness of a speeder.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I just saw the new movie Surrogates. The movie is about a future where everyone uses robots for their daily living. The people control their robots safely at home and have their robots do everything for them, go to work, entertainment, vacation, etc. These robots look like normal humans... except they are all good looking. In the movie, the cops go to a house and find that the user of a hot blonde robot is actually an old fat man, which sadly enough reminds me of EO.

The movie was basically how the world would look like if it was an online game. No mages, trolls or monsters walking around but everyone could choose how they wanted to look like. Same way you choose your hair style and skin color in EO. The people in the movie would have friends for years and not know who they truly are because they have only interacted with their robots, or how the movie calls them.. their surrogate.

They show the military using these surrogates in a war. A soldier dies and he simply switches to another robot and goes right back to battle. This of course is exactly the same as the EO pk, players dying and appearing at temple to continue fighting. Makes you wonder how wars are dealt with when soldiers don't die. Would soldier robots be modified to run around faster so they can speed and kill more efficiently?

The similarities of the movie with an online game are Endless (hint). I saw the movie expecting for the protagonist, Bruce Willis, to grab a bow, enter a swamp and start killing a 10 ft vine. During the movie you saw things typical of online games, such as you talking to a robot and the robot not moving because the user is away from keyboard or the user leaving the robot in the middle of an argument to avoid drama.

The movie depicts this future where people have become addicted to their surrogates and stopped interacting with real humans. However, this future world may not be in the future at all but at present time. How about all the people who have become addicted to online games and lost touch with friends? What would you do if you were able to use your EO character in real life? The movie is fiction but demonstrate a reality that some are already living.

What the movie lacked were beggars following Bruce Willis saying U, people running around very fast and the complete absence of cops to uphold the laws. With those things present, the movie would have been titled Endless Online the Movie.

I guess im off to log on to my surrogate. Have fun EO