Monday, April 27, 2009

The Moon Button

Wierd how people can play EO for so long and still not know some of its buttons.

Like how you're able to check friends, guild members and admins on the Who is Online button.

Many also don't know about the scroll button that prevents the chat from going down when someone talks, located to the right of sys chat.

Recently I found a new one. Crazy that ive played EO for so long and not have known about it. The Moon button.

You have to play EO on windows, double click the moon on the top left corner of the EO windows and it will make EO look different.

I suggest you try it out too so you know what im talking about.

Not so long ago I had a priceless moment with the Moon Button. I decided to do it to a random person, I tell her the story but she was playing EO fullscreen so she changed it to Windows. She kept trying without realising what was going on. I tell her she should try double right clicking and she falls for it again. Then I tell her that she should tell her guild members to see if they manage to get it... she does and the guild member falls for it too.

Im at the fence hanging out with guildies and decide to tell them about the Moon Button, and nonetheless... all fall for it except Agentgirl, only because I had told her about it before.

I got 4 people at once with the Moon Button, can you do better? :p


  1. I must say, that is amusing, and I already knew of that one.

    What makes it all the more hilarious is that I know everyone there (With the exception of agentgirl)

    Nice job Sano :)

  2. Nice post Sano, those were great moments hehe.

    And I noticed the smiley face on the stalker back is back on Florida, yay!!!

  3. I was there with the random girl, it was hilarious. And yes, Sano got me too :P

  4. Ok, so I tried this...well, I kind of said it on global...I made a few people angry, and a few more laugh.

  5. haha nice Allward. Now to get a speeder at the new Apo with it :)

    Yeah Diz, the random girl was priceless, kept falling for it over and over again.

  6. So where exactly is located that button? I cant find it.


  7. What I did on global was cruel...

    But, in all honesty it was fairly hilarious.

    Speeders have been troubling, and their selfish attitude will never change. If I do happen to swing by that section (I highly doubt it, I log on maybe for about an hour a week these days) I'll give it a go. Than I'll post the screen shots on the EO forums.

  8. lol if you d/c a speeder at Apo, ill post the screenie in here :P

  9. Oh, than that will be my next goal, providing that I have enough time to get around to it. Knowing me, I'll make it happen...Than you'll see "Allward is a faggot," on global.

    So yeah, besides all of's it going? Haven't talked to your in a few weeks.

  10. Lol way to go on this one. I get like 20 newbs a day including ones in Pk like Bullie, I got him last night with it. He said hes gonna kick my ass and urs. Lol I love it<3 Sano<333

  11. hahaha and me too?? Way to go Lillianna, can't wait to see Bullie and laugh at him :P. That's what you get for not reading my blog.

  12. Lol I know huh. Ive been gone for a couple weeks. Blew up my Hard drive had to send my laptop to HP and get a new one. Stupid faulty laptops these days. I'm back in california had a month long slow ass vacation. men pfffft.

  13. umm the moon button did not blow up the hard drive, don't worry people. :P

  14. Lol yea it didnt blow up the hard drive, My laptop just got really hot.

  15. I still hate you for that, Sano.

  16. Is it really closing when u clicked it ? -Rockhero
