Monday, April 27, 2009

The Moon Button

Wierd how people can play EO for so long and still not know some of its buttons.

Like how you're able to check friends, guild members and admins on the Who is Online button.

Many also don't know about the scroll button that prevents the chat from going down when someone talks, located to the right of sys chat.

Recently I found a new one. Crazy that ive played EO for so long and not have known about it. The Moon button.

You have to play EO on windows, double click the moon on the top left corner of the EO windows and it will make EO look different.

I suggest you try it out too so you know what im talking about.

Not so long ago I had a priceless moment with the Moon Button. I decided to do it to a random person, I tell her the story but she was playing EO fullscreen so she changed it to Windows. She kept trying without realising what was going on. I tell her she should try double right clicking and she falls for it again. Then I tell her that she should tell her guild members to see if they manage to get it... she does and the guild member falls for it too.

Im at the fence hanging out with guildies and decide to tell them about the Moon Button, and nonetheless... all fall for it except Agentgirl, only because I had told her about it before.

I got 4 people at once with the Moon Button, can you do better? :p

Saturday, April 18, 2009


"What is Sexting and could your children be doing it?"

That question was in an actual news program.

Sexting = the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones.

A guy lands on the sexual offender's list because he sent a photo of himself to his girlfriend. This other girl gets in trouble because she sent a photo of herself to her girl friends.

It was hilarious to see the adults at the news station freaking out over ''sexting" as if they had never even imagined such a thing could be going on. Just shows how disconnect they are from what their children are actually doing. As CBS said it..- "Sexting" Shockingly Common Among Teens-

Hehe imagine if CNN took a peak at EO forums... they would have a seizure. Half the eo forum population would be labeled as Pedos and Vult would be sued for child porn lol.

Yeah thats right... no more Vanessa Hudging for you guys, you can actually get in trouble now.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Somali Pirates

No, this is not another Johnny Depp movie. These are real life pirates, except instead of carrying swords they carry guns and a rocket launcher.

And you thought EO was annoying with its lack of moderation, there are countries that basically have no laws. Usually a place where these many losers gather it's known as PK.

The Pirates from Somalia have been doing this for a bit over a year now but like a week ago, they tried to take an American ship for the first time. They don't harm the crew, they just keep the crew and ship for ransom. Similar to the way people scam accounts then sell them back to the owners...

Now just like a movie, the ship's crew fought back and the pirates were kicked off the ship but they kept the ship's captain as a hostage. That's when the American big guns came... the Navy.

You would think once the Navy got there it would all be over but they just stared at the little boat the pirates were on, not doing anything to help or how I like to call it... doing a Rexor.

The "negotiations" lasted for about 2 days. The pirates made a mistake though and the captain apparently jumped off the boat which gave the American sharpshooters, or how I like to call them... Vult and Arvid, a chance to take out the pirates, hopefully one of the pirates killed had the last name Bloom and first name Orlando. I know, that's awesome, ill go play Call of Duty later.

So, to the pirates/cheaters who lower their guard expect a shot to the head by Arvid. Im not saying that speeders like Gt and Princezac should get shot but.. hmm yes I am.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vines in real life

So I go to the library of the university one day to use my laptop. I notice it's very crowded, people go there for the same reason I do, either use a laptop or study. All the electrical outlets are taken by people using their laptops, so I circle around looking for an open outlet. Thats when I realize...omg im in Vines!

Have to get there early, if not it will be a pain to find a good spot to sit and use the laptop, just like vines. I then start to wonder how real life would be if people ksed...

Seeing people sitting on top of each other trying to be in same spot, taking away their chairs or unplugging computers and connecting theirs while saying... Sharing is caring*, I don't know lol. I have met real life newbs, but that's another story.

When you start to see a library as a map in eo, you know you've played to much o.o

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stalkers - Update

Does this happen to everyone or is it just me? Look at the names closely...


I just received a pm that my nice stalker is having fun in wall. They finally got the right one, Sasnouke. A Zanouske is in wall too o.o