Friday, February 26, 2010

Barduck Fail

Duztin-Barduck tried to scam a guild member by trying to pretend he was me lol. Damn fails so much.

Anyways, everyone should know that...

1. I wont ever ask you for any items and/or ask to share accounts. -Ever
2. I wont pm you on a different account that is not Sanouske.
3. Please laugh at Barduck-Duztin as soon as you see him hahaha.

This reminds me of an old post titled Smooth Criminal* except I think Barduck fails even more.


  1. That would have been me this guy was trying to scam... Here's the link to a page I made about it (may move, but I'll redirect the page to send you to the new link if it does):

    Just beware of this guy... He mighta failed with me, but he might not fail with someone else... :-\

  2. Guy With More Sense Than All Of YouFebruary 26, 2010 at 10:25 PM

    Why do you idiots even play still? Sorry if being called an idiot offends you, but at this point, if you log on once a year or even still have EO installed on your computer you ARE an idiot. You of all people should know why this is Sano, we’ve both watched this game get worse and worse and now it’s at the bottom and you remain? Do you actually think this piece of crap of a game is going to get better someday? (If anyone answers yes to that, beat yourself with a hammer, you are a moron.)

    There is not one single reason worth logging on EO, whatever idiotic reason you try to come up with, it is bullshit okay? You know it is, I know it is, and your friend’s uncle’s dog knows it is. SO LEAVE EO ALREADY! ALL OF YOU! The only thing you’re going to show by staying around is that you’re a complete moron. Why such harsh words? Because you’re all too damn dense to get the message otherwise! There is a fine line between hopeful and just plain stupid, and anyone playing EO is just plain stupid.

    Now you’ll say blabla you played to (I quit, stfu). Then you’ll try blablabla you used to have hope (I realized my error and grew a brain, stfu). Maybe you’ll try saying something different, but the end result is the same, you’re stupid if you play EO! On top of that, you’re beyond stupid if you make excuses of why it isn’t stupid to still play EO. (If you read this and then log on EO, beat yourself with a hammer, you are a moron.)

    OH and if your computer can only handle EO? Think again, there are other crappy 2D MMORPGs that kick EOs ass hands down. But you’d have to quit being lazy and stupid to actually find them, for most EO players that’s like asking a 5 year old to climb a mountain.

  3. Then why do you still check the blogs then bajz?

  4. I didn't see my name anywhere in this post, yet some jackass is asking me a question for some reason. What's up with that? Fuck you Anonymous people, grow some balls and quit being pussies! What does me checking blogs have to do with anything anyways? FFS you EOians have the most idiotic logic on the planet lol.

    Anyways... why would someone want to scam Kiealla's account? They really think titles are that cool or something? lol

  5. G'day, Bajz, long time no see... :D

    To "Guy With More Sense Than All Of You":
    What makes you think you're better than Sanouske or myself? What makes you think that DECENT players can't ignore cheaters (or kill them, in Sano's case :P), and actually enjoy a game as it's meant to be enjoyed? If you quit Endless Online, than that's YOUR choice, it's YOUR eyes and YOUR computer and YOUR internet, and if you don't want to like the game in any way, shape or form, than that's YOUR choice and YOUR right.
    But it is OUR choice to keep playing Endless Online, that choice is OUR right. Yes, we have to deal with total retards who think it's cool to cheat and scam, but you know what? We manage. We DON'T cheat, and are some of the few who don't, some of the few players who are actually decent and who don't call people "fckn noobs" for not agreeing with our opinions and views.
    I'm going to continue to play EO for as long as I want to. And there isn't a goddamned thing you can say or do to stop me. Because this is MY choice, not yours.

    To "Anonymous":
    Good question. Why does someone who hates the game so much check people's EO blogs - and comment? :P

    To "Bajz":
    Anonymous people usually don't appreciate being personally blasted... lol...
    For the titles, it stems from back when the Arenabot was still around. Back then, getting a title was as simple as Whispering the Arenabot with the title you wanted. After Vult removed it from the game, a title became desirable simply because you can't really get one anymore. On the odd occasion, Vult will give someone a title, but it's a rare occurrence, so it's a sort of status symbol, I guess. Kinda sux, you wouldn't believe how often I'm asked if I'm selling my account... :D

    - Kiealla.

  6. Well I could tell it was bajz cause' of his writing style. And you didnt just hack off anonymous. Anonymous is legion.

    I dont play eo anymore either, its just died. But I still check the blogs cause' I still check to see if anything will ever happen. I bet you are too even if you don't admit it, but I dont want an argument. You cant say you are doing it to check on your freinds as you probably have their emails if they really matter to you as you say in your blog so often.

  7. To my mind, posting as an anonymous poster means you're hiding. But that's just my point o' view :)

    And, I ran into Sano on EO the other day, and showed him my page (he was pretty upset about it, actually, poor darling), then he posted here and told me I should post the link... So I did...

    As for whether anything will ever happen, whether Vult will ever get off his backside and start testing and applying things again... Time will tell (eventually)... In the meantime, until he either does something or stops paying for the hosting and deletes the game, there's still hope. And hope is something to be held onto...

    - Kiealla.

  8. Writing style? You mean we both type in English?! Okay Mr Detective that doesn't even know me or vice versa lol, how very EOian of you. Also don't say you don't want to argue when you are arguing by making that comment to begin with, again... EOians have no sense in their brain lol.

    Oh and Kiella... I played in v17, I know all about how to get titles and that worthless junk. :P

  9. Well I check your blog so I know the insults you dish out. Also how does a question about why you still check the blogs didnt have to provoke an argument. Also if you are calling people who go anonymous, why did you go in anonymous for the message in the first place?

    I don't even play eo at all so how am I an eoian or whatever? Mr detective? Im not being a detective, I just want to know why you check the biogs still is all. Im not saying you shouldn't be, I mean im not the thought police or anything. Just why do you check the blogs if you say there is no hope? Just seems a bit hyporcritical is all, unless you have a better exlanation...?

  10. So the hypocrite that didn't want to argue is now arguing with me about me being a hypocrite, yeah... that makes sense! (Only in EO)

    So then I'm flattered you think I have some signature typing style, but calling people moron? I'm pretty sure everyone does that. Sorry to burst your bubble lol. Now quit acting like you know me, if you read my blog or knew me, you'd know I wouldn't say something and hide my identity (like pussies such as yourself). You think I'd be afraid to offend someone or something dumb like that? Maybe you should actually go read my blog and try again lol.

    But I already knew you were going to try and play the hypocrite card, you trolls are so weak and predictable lol. Honestly don't you have any other cards to play? What does checking blogs even have to do with looking for hope? Did you actually think that was a good shot to try? (lol) You are obviously an EOian by your lack of... everything. But go ahead and continue your false assumptions, that's all trolls are capable of after all. I'll get more laughs out of it, and I'm sure you'll feel good about yourself as if you've proved something.

    Oh and before you respond (I know you can't resist lol), anything you say is going to be false and probably idiotic, don't bother. Seriously, you will thank me later! But if you do (which you will)... could you at least try something new for a change? That'd b so rly kewl, so ty dipshit.

    (inb4 u say i r mad cuz i r insulting u, lol@u! i can b perfctly calm n stil cal u a dipshit, ok dipshit? glad we got dat al setld lol)

  11. Hi Kie! Hi Sano! Long time no see. I didn't read all the back and forth with anonymous but if you are so knowledgable in Bajzy's style you would know he never hides his identity or cowers from confrontation. So he has an admirer/imposter- as if that hasn't happened to all of us. I've had ppl post using my name. LOL. Kind of seems to me like a nug nug (ngget) thing to do- I think shes still licking her wounds somewhere after being exposed.
    But enough about that. Funny that some 12 yr old EOian thought he could impersonate Sano. That was priceless.

  12. Funny how bajz seems to have found a new person to rant and attack at.Have fun bud

    Just to make it clear for anyone who is unaware of this fact,Barduck was my Eo-Best friend and fellow RA leader.Later due to his foolishness the level (64) account was hacked by an account trader.Barduck was one of the most trusted and fair people in the game,due to the loss of his account he stopped playing Eo altogather.

    The account barduck has been floating around Eo and is currently being possesed by dirty scum.Im sorry about this sanouske.I hope you dont feel any less of the original barduck.

    Hello and bye mountaingirl,bajz,Sano :)

  13. Shut the fuck up you retarded Canadian. Only you would fail to see that HE/SHE started the spat with anonymous slander, but then again... maybe you are this dipshit... you certainly fit all the criteria. :P

  14. Already losing your cool huh..very pathetic of you..I was not here to talk about your little problems,I'am very much not that anonymous person..I would rather say something to you under my own name than hiding under another one.

  15. If my suspicions are right about this anonymous person,i think i have an idea who it is..someone who uses anonymous all the time to insults people..anyway..

    Anonymous: Please respect sanouske's choice to play this game,you cant make him stop playing the game.If he wants to play,its his will.The game hasnt been ruined,Only the economy can still play and find to some good people to talk to.

  16. Thank you azareil. I am not a troll baj, you avoiding my question. You havnt answered it yet. Why do you check the blogs still. That is all. Sadly not even one of you will know me, even if I told you It wouldn't make a difference so I remain anonymous.

    So Okay it might not have been Bajz. Any suggestions who else? And please quit avoiding my question bajz.

  17. Okay Azareil I figured you'd learn how to comprehend a little or at least read by now but... yeah I dunno why I thought so either lol.

    "(inb4 u say i r mad cuz i r insulting u, lol@u! i can b perfctly calm n stil cal u a dipshit, ok dipshit? glad we got dat al setld lol)"

    This applies to me making fun of how stupid you are also. You EOians think way too highly of yourselves, and there is no reason you should think so! For one, you're always wrong every time you say anything. And secondly, well there doesn't really need to be a list besides the first thing. Now with that said, quit kissing Sano's ass ROFL! He doesn't like you either; he's just too diplomatic to say it.

    Now back to this anonymous troll, yes you are a troll, and you are continuing to be a troll. Your question failed legitimacy by a long shot, I guess you have difficulties reading and comprehending as well! Which means you really must be Azareil, because he's the only one I know that can't read or comprehend words that bad. And yes you would hide as anonymous to talk crap Azareil, that fits your personality almost too well.

    But do proceed as if you got some big chunk of dirt on me with your question that lacks any logic that I have no reason to answer. It's quite amusing! Too bad no one has any use of Fools these days though.

  18. Is it just me or does it seem funny that an anonymous poster is calling someone out on hiding their identity?

    What do you mean any suggestions on who else it could be? How in the world would any one know or care to know? LOL!

    That is your big question? Why does Bajzy continue to read his friends' blogs? I don't play EO anymore either yet I continue to read Sano's blog. Azareil has repeatedly said he quit EO too- yet here he is. What is your fascination with Bajz?

    The post was about a would-be scammer and somehow you have turned it around to be about Bajz. Why?

  19. I didnt try to change it. And bajz, I am not azreil xD I am actually called quantumrev, like it makes a difference. I didnt try to turn it round, I only asked why you still check blogs? Can you just say Bajz? I just asked the question and so you made a long winding response to avoid it. Please just say why you still check the blogs.

  20. You're almost as amusing as a Jack-in-the-Box. 8D

  21. Still not answering then?

  22. When you ask a legitimate question that has any merit whatsoever I may answer it. But I have yet to see anything like that out of you. Tough break I guess? It's more interesting to watch you try and squirm around because you don't know the definitions of the words you use lol.

  23. I have a question for anonymous. What in the world did you mean by this statement? I've read it forwards and backwards (for hidden clues) and I come up with nothing. Please translate.

    "And you didnt just hack off anonymous. Anonymous is legion."- anonymous

  24. To "Mounty" I refer you to this:

    So Bajz, you are just going to avoid the question then =] Ah well, all we can do now is assume now. My question was simply why you check the blogs still when there is no reason to; according to you. Seems like it is hypocritical is all. Im not trying to insult you or anything. I dont even want to make an enemy out of you; or a freind though. But I ask you this as a person of neutral standing.

  25. You're a wiki moron? Yeah now more things are becoming apparent about you troll, lol.

    And read what I have said, your question fails at legitimacy. For one, you made a buttload of assumptions and they were all wrong. Yet you're still trying to push this idiotic angle you think you've discovered. Whether a person checks a blog or not does not make them a hypocrite because they dislike a MMORPG. Let that sink into your head a bit, and then decide if your question has any merit still (it does not). Sorry to take away that grain of dirt you thought you had, but it’s all your imagination.

    Oh for the record (here I'll put it in quotation marks to help you understand) "I've never said anything about checking blogs" dipshit. Again, if you followed my blog like you claimed, you would have known this.

    Keep turning your crank, Jack. But I already know who's hiding in the box. LOL! Make all the emote faces you want, you're failing terribly.

  26. LOL! Don't direct me to a site to translate your words. If you were quoting something you should have used quotation marks. I didnt go look to see where your link led. My point was that the words make no sense. Perhaps you copied them wrong. I know what anonymous means. I'm not sure you know what legion means. The two sentences just made no sense. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thought that. I assume English isn't your first language so I'm just helping you out there.

  27. Anonymous: None of us are as cruel as all of us.

    Bajz, I am not a troll. I am not insulting you in way. Prove my assumptions wrong. Why do you check the blogs?

  28. Oh and also, how am I being a troll by simply asking a question? you were being a troll because of that massive post saying that you know better than everyone else. So just answer the question and stop avoiding it! lol

  29. Anonymous you need a hobby and a dictionary. You still didn't answer my question. Do you know what legion means? How can anonymous be legion? That makes no sense.

  30. Anonymous isnt just one person, It is a whole million people, but only one entity at the same time. Simply type in anonymous on a search engine and you may understand.

  31. I know what anonymous means lol. I asked if you know what legion means. You keep avoiding my question. What are you trying to prove by calling yourself anonymous anyway? That you are just one sheep among a flock? Do you have identity issues? We are all well aware why ppl use the term anonymous- when they want to hide.

  32. Anonymous is not legion. Anonymous is either unknown or identity withheld. It does not mean 'a whole million ppl'. I don't need to type it into a search engine. I have a good grasp on the english language. I am well aware of what both words mean.

  33. lol EO trolls aren't getting any smarter. Next time someone says 'kids are our future' I'll direct them to this dipshit's nonsense. AHAHA!

    I'm glad I don't live in Canada.

  34. Bajz. Im English. Mounty, you really dont know do you? Its a group on the internet. Also you do know its not only me commenting right?

  35. Im not Canadian. Just answer the question and stop hailing me with abuse. I am not a troll. Why do you check the blogs when their is no hope? Give me an answer that does'nt state the obvious

  36. If you have to reword your question every time you comment, obviously there is something wrong with you. LOL!

  37. I really don't know what? Are you saying you are in some secret fraternity called 'anonymous is legion?' It's not only you commenting? IDK what that means- you share this acct with others? Or you are schizo or something?

  38. My guess is he/she/it is just a dumbass from the looks of these senseless comments.

  39. Do you get to wear funny hats with horns and have secret handshakes in your anonymous groups? Or do you just stand up and say 'Hello my name is legion and I'm an alcoholic?'

  40. Maybe she named her hands so she wouldn't be so lonely! This is obviously the highlight of her everyday. Then again... Canada is pretty boring so I guess it's understandable.

    But let's not mention the Cult of Anon... they might uhh, prank call us from a payphone! Or uhh... send us hate mail with no name on the letter! omg itz scary

  41. Cant really be arsed with arguing. Why are you avoiding the question? Well All I can see from this is that you still have hope with eo as I can see no other reason for you checking the blogs. So please give me a better reason.

  42. You aren't too quick of a learner it seems. That really is a shame haha.

  43. You juat simply dont want to answer at all. What is stopping you from answering?

  44. That you have nothing in your hand, that grain of dirt you pathetically grasp onto was washed away. But go ahead, keep trying. Eventually you might see what an idiot you are. LOL!

  45. Well I thought you could try and justify yourself, but when I find something Odd and question it, you simply destroy it and throw it away. Hypocrite.

  46. Do you even know the meaning of that word? I'm pretty sure you don't lol. Seeing as how you're a typical EO troll and all, I don't need to "justify" myself to a troll haha. You seriously are an idiot.

    Keep turning your crank Jack, because no one else will do it. Because there isn't anybody that cares about your kind anymore.

  47. I'll go ahead and fill your dumb ass in on "hypocrite". It is someone that speaks out against something they believe in. The term is for political or religious issues, not pointless and irrelevant internet banter, idiot. :)

  48. ... You are though. You said you beleive there is no hope for EO, yet you still check blogs which can only mean you still have hope in Eo, thus going against "something you beleive in". So I ask if you can give me a better explanation, but you attack me with insults instead. Which seems to me like you are hiding away from the question, drawing me to my original conclusion. Hypocrite.

  49. Incorrect. I'm amazed you're actually dumb enough to keep this up. Maybe when you reach puberty your mind will be able to comprehend how much of a fool you're making yourself look like. But yeah... that would require you to be a normal person instead of an EO troll lol. I guess you are just going to have a string of bad luck.

    Keep cranking! 8D

  50. I'll give you a hint. Sano doesn't offer hope for EO. Do any blogs? Supporting your friends blogs and dropping by to say HEY has nothing to do with hope for the game. Make sense?

  51. Don't bother Mounty, miss legion has convinced herself that her handful of crap is a shiny diamond. I don't think there are even any tutors that can help the pour soul now even.
