Monday, September 6, 2010

The Meaning of Life

Hello there, its been forever. EO is just as you would expect it to be, horrible.

I visit EO every so often. It is nice to enter pk and be killed by some speeder because he hates me. They always pretended as if they didnt care when I would kill them while they autotrained. Seeing how they still remember me when I have no idea who they are really makes my day.

So today I log on and see this newb tell another player to get a life.

I couldn't agree more with Antgirl, anyone logged on EO shouldn't tell anyone else to get a life.

He defends himself by saying he only logs on to EO 30 mins at a time, take a break, then log on for another 30 min. I ask, what do you do in between the 30 minutes?

His answer....sit watch tv or do chores* Im gonna go on a limb and assume that he sits while he watches tv, so according to him, the requirements of having a life are 2 things, watch tv or do chores, oh and then 30 minutes of EO of course.

At least he was honest of what he does every day, he said he had to go. Well we know why he had to go now don't we, to sit, watch tv or do chores. What a good life that is.

Dumb noob, everyone knows that any good life consists of watching The Jersey Shore while eating hotpockets.

Friday, April 2, 2010

E-Gaming to Death

A baby died of malnutrition because his parents would go out to play an online game, sometimes for 10 hours at a time.

When I saw this in the news, of course I thought of EO, where ignoring you're kids to flame others while training was almost the norm. lol damn I have seen some bad parents, some that act younger than their own kids. I don't think any baby was left to die for the great game of EO but I might be overestimating them. One mother played EO while her children played with toilet water O.o, just one example of how bad it can be.

The sad but still funny part of the story is that the parents would leave their baby to play an online game that was about taking care of a virtual girl.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The worth of an EO account?

This happened to me before my previous post. In my previous post a loser named Duztin/Barduck tried to scam a guild member.

Again, remember this is before knowing about Duztin trying to scam my guild member.

I receive a pm from Duztin that claims to be Sabrina/Xxwolfettexx.

Well, as you see in the screenies, Duztin wanted to buy my account, first offered $600, after I say no, he offered $1,000 and then $2,000. Obviously a scam, but I wouldn't be surprised if people were willing to pay $600 for an EO account.

What always brings a smile to my face is knowing that no matter how much these cheaters level up, my account will forever be miles better than theirs :p. Well, this is just another example of why you should Never Account Trade, account trading is just for idiots.

I don't know if Duztin is in fact Sabrina, if its just another lie, then this guy fails even more lol.

Anyways, how much do you think your account is worth? Oh, and its not the first time someone has offered to pay $1,000 for my account :P

Friday, February 26, 2010

Barduck Fail

Duztin-Barduck tried to scam a guild member by trying to pretend he was me lol. Damn fails so much.

Anyways, everyone should know that...

1. I wont ever ask you for any items and/or ask to share accounts. -Ever
2. I wont pm you on a different account that is not Sanouske.
3. Please laugh at Barduck-Duztin as soon as you see him hahaha.

This reminds me of an old post titled Smooth Criminal* except I think Barduck fails even more.