Saturday, May 16, 2009


Funny how some cheaters think that they are smarter than all the other players because they use cheats, and that everyone else would cheat if they only knew how. This is what an autotrainer named Archtyriel thinks.

Im in vines and see Archtyriel autotraining in a bridge. I hit the vines so he cant kill them. Since he is autoing, he kept thundering them even though he couldn't kill them, over and over again. When asked about it, he actually denies that he is cheating, he says that he being ''smrt" and that if I knew how I would do same too. He can't imagine that people actually choose not to be noobs and cheat.

I say "fine, then go back to hitting monsters you cant kill for an hour again".

Personally, I think killing autotrainers is the best, but since he is in the bridge, keeping him from earning exp will be the second best thing to do.

Of course cheaters don't have much patience, if they did, they wouldn't cheat in the first place, so he starts to curse at me as if I was the one doing something wrong. He wants me to kill the monsters so he can continue getting free exp with cheats.

I did the same for about 2 days. Now, as soon as he sees me, he starts to curse at me and leaves vines, which is wonderful.

Besides annoying the newb Archtyriel, I also killed another autotrainer at nutvipers. Everyone should kill an autotrainer atleast once.


  1. Autotrainers...they're the best, and the most enjoyable to kill. Speeders are funny, because they come back for revenge...But, autotrainers by far the most amusing.

    I killed one autotrainer at the Dizzy Desert...Well, he came back and asked who killed him. Naturally I said "I don't know, I just got here." So, he went back to autoing, and yes, I did kill him again.

    Though, my fun ended because I think he caught on that it was me.

    Going back to the part about him denying that he's cheating. Well, those kind of people are always the funniest. For one, you can't attack any monster because they're autoing, and two they're really adamant in their belief that they can convince us that they aren't when really they most certainly are.


    Allward :)

  2. haha nice one. Yeah, cheaters in denial are the funniest.

    Today I see an afk trainer at vine named Abillie. I kill him, he comes back and says "San dead". I don't know what he means by that, speaking caveman.

    He goes back to afk training and I kill him again, like 2 minutes later he pms me saying "Just wait ****". I waited and he never came back.

  3. I love endless but im a noob only lvl 8 lol my char name is linkwind msg me if u see me online =3

  4. Glad you like the blog. See you online :P
