Monday, September 6, 2010

The Meaning of Life

Hello there, its been forever. EO is just as you would expect it to be, horrible.

I visit EO every so often. It is nice to enter pk and be killed by some speeder because he hates me. They always pretended as if they didnt care when I would kill them while they autotrained. Seeing how they still remember me when I have no idea who they are really makes my day.

So today I log on and see this newb tell another player to get a life.

I couldn't agree more with Antgirl, anyone logged on EO shouldn't tell anyone else to get a life.

He defends himself by saying he only logs on to EO 30 mins at a time, take a break, then log on for another 30 min. I ask, what do you do in between the 30 minutes?

His answer....sit watch tv or do chores* Im gonna go on a limb and assume that he sits while he watches tv, so according to him, the requirements of having a life are 2 things, watch tv or do chores, oh and then 30 minutes of EO of course.

At least he was honest of what he does every day, he said he had to go. Well we know why he had to go now don't we, to sit, watch tv or do chores. What a good life that is.

Dumb noob, everyone knows that any good life consists of watching The Jersey Shore while eating hotpockets.